Saving the Queen

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As the long columns of the army move down the main road leading to

Theed, the Naboo capital. As the Queen watches helplessly from a window in the palace, a transport carrying Nute and Rune lands in Theed Plaza. As they exit the transport.

NUTE : Ah, victory!


The little sub continues to propel itself toward the surface and finally the small sub bobs to the surface. The current in the estuary begins to pull the sub backward into a fast moving river. Obi-Wan switches off the two remaining bubble canopies. Qui-Gon and Y/N stands up to look around, as Jar-Jar lets out a sigh of relief.

JAR JAR : Wesa safe now.

Y/N: For the time being yes, we are safe.

Jar-Jar starts to climb out of the sub while Obi-Wan is on shore and helps to pull Qui-Gon out of the water.

OBI-WAN : That was close.

??? : Drop your weapons!

The three turn around to see a battle droid standing in front of them.

BATTLE DROID 3B3 : I said drop your weapons

Qui-Gon ignites his lightsaber and in a brief flash, the droid is cut down.

Y/N: Well that wasn't either that bad of a welcome.

Qui-Gon: We should start moving to the palace the queen need our help.

Obi-Wan: I agree we should get moving

And we and the Gungan start moving to through the city


Queen Amidala and her followers are surrounded by a group of twenty droids. As Nute and Rune stand in the middle of the room.

BIBBLE : how will you explain this invasion to the Senate?

NUTE : The Naboo and the Federation will forge a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I've been assured it will be ratified by the Senate.

AMIDALA : I will not co-operate.

NUTE : Now, now, your Highness. You are not going to like what we have in store for your people. In time, their suffering will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander. (OOM-9 steps forward) Process them

OOM-9 : Yes, sir! (turns to his sergeant) Take them to Camp Four.

The Commander marches the group out of the throne room.


As the Queen and her group are led out of the palace by the group of battle droids. The plaza is filled with tanks, which they pass on their way to the detention camp. Unbeknownst to them, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Y/N and Jar-jar sneak across on a walkway above the plaza.

Y/N: There they are

OBI-WAN: there are at least ten battle droids guarding them

Y/N: That shouldn't be a problem that worries me is that they could get in the crossfire

QUI-GON: Then we should move quickly and precisely

Padme POV

We were being escorted to the camp when I feel a tug on my dress when I see my little Cora trembling in fear as she says with tears in her eyes.

CORA: Sis I'm scared why can't we go home?

PADME: shhh, don't worry everything is going to be alright.

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