Interrogating and new Padawan

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A striking victory for the republic, Thanks to the efforts of Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Y/N L/N alongside Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker the vicious Sith and supreme leader of the separatist Count Dooku has been captured before he could escape again. Now the Jedis that made the capture are returning to coruscant to start the interrogation of the Sith hoping to  learn more about the mysterious sith lord who started this war, and if he knows anything about Darth Malgus location. As the republic cruiser entered the atmosphere of the planetary city, home of the Jedi and the republic.

WOLFY: General we are landing now-

Y/N: Thanks Wolf, you and the others can go and rest now, I'll call you if we need anything .

WOLF: Yes, general.

Y/N then looked at his Jedi companions 

Y/N: Are you ready?

ANAKIN: Let's get this over with.

OBI-WAN: Bring him here.

As he said this he made a signal to the clones that had chained the count. he was wearing special cuffs that would shock him if he did any suspicious move .

KIRA: I hope you are ready to face the consequences of your acts count.

DOOKU: You are a fool young one, the consequences of this will be harden on you that you could ever imagine.

The door of the cruiser was open and the Jedi descended of the ship. down there waiting for them was Mace Windu, Qui-Gon and Yoda from the order and for the senate the chancellor himself alongside Padme and Cora, with senate commandos guarding them. Ahsoka scoffed at the guards.

AHSOKA: Not again.

Y/N: Don't worry, this time we'll make sure no one thinks anything funny.

The two groups greeted each other.

PALPATINE: Great job the three of you the republic is in your debt, now let us take care of the prisoner.

Y/N: I'm sorry chancellor, but the  count must answer first for the crimes he committed before to the order, this crimes were committed before the war so you'll have to wait.

WINDU: I agree with master L/N.

Y/N: (Mind) He agrees with me? hmm this is new.

PALPATINE: I must insist you let us judge this criminal first, the damage he has done to the galaxy must be punished, don't you think young skywalker.

ANAKIN:(Nervous) Um...well....I....

Anakin took a time to breath he didn't expect the chancellor to ask him directly what he thought, he wanted Dooku to pay he took his arm and almost kill Cora, but before he could response to his personal grudges he needed to respond for the crimes he committed to the jedi.

ANAKIN: I'm sorry chancellor. but this is a internal problem of the Jedi, Count Dooku was a Jedi when he committed treason to our people so we must attend that first.

The chancellor seemed surprised by this, but he was able to quickly hide it from others.

PALPATINE: Very well, but I expect that you handed him over for the senate to execute his trial.

QUI-GON: Will do, now let's get going, we don't want to lose more time. Y/N, Anakin, Obi-Wan  take some time to rest, Kira you'll be able to chose your padawan tomorrow.

Y/N: Thank you master.

With that the jedi bow at each other as they take separate ways, Obi-Wan, Kira and Ahsoka went back to the temple While Y/N and Anakin stayed with Padme and Cora. Y/N looked arms with padme smiling at her while Anakin did the same with Cora

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