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Jedi mystery! A lightsaber was found on the moon of Oba Diah, belonging to Sifo-Dyas, a Jedi responsible for the creation of  the Clone Army. The Jedi have learned that before the war, Count Dooku murdered Sifo-Dyas, and skillfully manipulated the republic into the galactic conflict, intending for the Jedi to fight with the clones at their side. Now, as the Jedi Council meets to discuss the purpose of this deception, Master Yoda and Qui-Gon Jin meditates deep into the force one in search for answers and the other one in search of guidance. As both Jedi masters were meditating a voice echoed in the room.

???: Yoda, Qui-Gon Jin.

Both Jedi looked at each other surprised of the presence.

YODA: Hear you, we do.

QUI-GON: Who are you?

Both Jedi waited for an answer, but it never came.

YODA: Imagine things we are?

???: No you're not, my name is Kenji-Ryu.

QUI-GON: (Surprised) You're Y/N's master?

YODA: That impossible is, death for centuries you have been.

KENJI: That may be true, but now I'm part of the living force.

As he said that the candles of the room turned off as everything started to float including the two Jedi Masters. Once the effect ended and the voice didn't came back, both Jedi master looked at each other with surprise.

YODA: Impossible.

QUI-GON: (Mind I must ask Y/N about this)

Soon the council was united to speak about the imminent threat, but Qui-Gon and Yoda were lost deep in thought, not paying attention at the discussion that was taking place. Worrying the Jedi masters in the room. Once the meeting was over, Windu pulled Y/N and Obi-Wan aside.

WINDU: There is great turmoil within Master Yoda and Master Qui-Gon.

OBI-WAN: Yes, we all sensed it

WINDU: For something to affect them this deeply, concerns me. We must keep an eye on them.

Y/N: This could be cause of Dooku you know, after all it is the apprentice of Yoda, and Master of Qui-Gon, also this war has taken us to our limit, maybe we are just surprised that they have one, especially Yoda.

WINDU: I hope so.

The next day,  Y/N, Anakin and Kira were walking in the garden of the temple, talking about their apprentices, and how much stronger they have become in the last months, but Y/N heard the echo of a voice he knew to well then he noticed Master Yoda meditating in front of the tree.

ANAKIN: Master Yoda.

KIRA: Is everything okay?

The Grand Master looked at the three younger Jedi.

YODA: Speak to Y/N alone I would like.

The three of them looked at each other until Y/N  spoke.

Y/N: Go back with the Padawans, I'll reach you after I'm done.

Both of them nodded and left as Y/N approached the Grand Master.

YODA: Encountered something...difficult I have.

Y/N: Difficult? For you Master?

YODA: Spoke with your master, Kenji-Ryu I did. Wanting to ask you if you had experience something like that?

Y/N was surprised by the grand master question, deciding to be honest with him.

Y/N: (Sights) Yes, he has appear to me in my dreams and in the physical world, but also a close friend of mine who died in the attack of the temple by the sith empire. I honestly don't know how or why that happens. Why do you ask?

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