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Nute and Rune stand before a hologram of Darth Sidious.

DARTH SIDIOUS : The Queen is on her way to you. I regret she is of no further use to us. When she gets there, destroy her.

NUTE : Yes, my Lord.

DARTH SIDIOUS : Viceroy, is the planet secure?

NUTE : Yes, my Lord, we have taken over the last pockets of primitive life forms. We are in complete control of the planet now.

DARTH SIDIOUS : Good. I will see to it that in the Senate, things stay as they are. I am sending Darth Maul to join you. He will deal with the Jedi.

NUTE : Yes, my Lord.

The hologram fades off.

RUNE : A Sith lord here with us?!!


I am looking at the kids speaking to the pilot while they pointed to various buttons and asking questions.

CORA : ...and that one?

RIC OLIE : The forward stabalizer.

ANAKIN: And those control the pitch?

RIC OLIE : You catch on pretty quick.

I walk back to the main room of the ship to discuss the course of action we will take

CAPT. PANAKA : The moment we land the Federation will arrest you, and force you to sign the treaty.

QUI-GON : I agree...I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by this.

AMIDALA : I'm going to take back what's ours.

CAPT. PANAKA : There are only twelve of us, Your Highness....we have no army.

QUI-GON : I cannot fight a war for you, Your Highness, only protect you.

AMIDALA : Jar Jar Binks!

JAR JAR looks around, puzzled.

JAR JAR : Mesa, Your Highness?

AMIDALA : Yes. I need your help.

The Naboo Cruiser heads toward the lush green planet. There is only one Federation battle cruiser orbiting. Obi-Wan and Capitan Panaka spot it on
the view screens.

PANAKA : The blockade's gone.

OBI-WAN : The war's over...No need for it now.

RIC OLIE : I have one battleship on my scope.

OBI-WAN : A droid control ship.

PANAKA : They've probably spotted us.

OBI-WAN ; We haven't much time.

I can see that this is going to be a difficult battle, but I we could pull out the victory on Alderan we can do this, but what are we going to do with the kids.

Y/N: I don't want to put pressure on this, but what are we going to do with the kids.

QUI-GON: When we arrived at the palace they will hide

The Naboo spacecraft has landed in the Gungan swamp. As some Troops unload the ships in the background as Obi-Wan approaches to Qui-Gon and me .

OBI-WAN : Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungan city, Master.

QUI-GON's thoughts are elsewhere.

QUI-GON : Good.

Y/N: I just hope they accept helping us

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