Jedi Crash

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The republic fleet is on the defensive and pushed to the brink! Even with the capture of Count Dooku the war still rages in the much contested Outer Rim Territories,chaos and fear mount as the Separatists army wages an epic battle against heavily outnumbered republic ships in the far reaches of the quell systems. Generals L/N ,Skywalker, and Sundar alongside their padawans races across the galaxy to aid Jedi knight Aayla Secura who is in the midst of a fight for her life as the sinister army closes in...

Y/N: how much time till we get there Wolf?

The now Jedi Master asked his commander as they waited on a gunship. as the Republic cruiser flys through the hyperspace.

WOLF: We are expecting to exit from hyperspace soon general.

Y/N: Good, as soon as we arrive, deploy all units we are not losing this battle, not if we have a say in it.

WOLF: Sir, yes Sir.

KIRA: Are you ready Cal?

CAL: Yes master!!

Y/N: Caleb, remember what I've told you stay near me and take care of BD-1 .

The droid beeped as he jumped into the padawans shoulder

CALEB: Yes master he'll be safe with me.

WOLF: Sir, we are ready to deploy.

Y/N: Take off commander.

The gun ship took off and left the cruiser as it entered to the battlefield, ships flew around the space cruises that were engaged in a intense battle.

KIRA: Pilot get near the cruiser of general secura and prepare the evacuation ships.

PILOT: On it general.

Another gunship joined the fight manned by Anakin and Ahsoka and captain Rex. Anakin jumped from the gunship and landed on a flying droid as he directed him into the heavily damaged republic cruiser.

KIRA: Always on the run.

Y/N: You've said it, pilot follow the reckless Jedi.

PILOT: Yes General.

The ship landed and the group quickly followed Anakin who was already destroying droids.

Y/N: Caleb stay near me. be quick and precise Wolf follow my lead let's rush them.

CALEB: Yes master

WOLF: Mark the way General.

The four Jedi ignited their lightsabers and charged to help Anakin.

Y/N: Everyone charge forward.

KIRA: Yes master, Let's show them Cal.

CAL: Yes!!

The padawan nodded and as both master and apprentice ignited their second blade blocking and reflecting the blaster from the droids while Wolf Y/N and Caleb rushed forward blasting and slashing every droid that were in their way. eventually they caught p to Ahsoka, Rex and Anakin who were already helping Aalaya.

ANAKIN: Good to see you could catch on master.

Y/N: I wouldn't missed this fight for anything.

AALAYA: Thanks for the asist L/N, Sundar. Now who are we going to get out of this mess?

KIRA: Our pleasure, as for your question, we have a ship waiting for us at the lower hangar to evacuate.

ANAKIN: Let's not waste time then.

The group ran through the halls of the cruiser destroying the droids, after a few minutes the group finally arrived at the doors of the airlock where the ship was waiting.

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