Planing the counterattack

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The Senate of the republic was in complete chaos as the senators raged in the chamber the second attack on the republic and the revealed truth of the Chancellor and his plans made this emergency meeting more complicated. The Amidala sisters stood at the center of the storm, the voice of the older sister ringing out above the din as she sought to bring order to the chaos. Her words were a beacon of reason amidst the frenzy, urging her fellow senators to set aside their differences and unite against the common threat that now loomed over the Republic.

PADME: We have been deceived!!! There is no doubt about that, all this conflict was created by Chancellor Palpatine also known as Darth Sidious, who played both sides of the war.

The crowd roared in fury as one senator stood up.

SENATOR: What can we do now, the Jedi didn't stop the attack on coruscant, and now our army is half it's full capacity, it was a mistake to trust them in the first place, maybe if they did their job, nothing of this would have happened.

Cora stood up alongside her sister to defend their friends.

CORA: The Jedi had nothing to do with the war, nor are they to be blamed for what happened, we should be grateful for them, while we sat here letting the chancellor get more power, the Jedi were sent to fight deadly battles, and now their temple, their home has been attacked and many of them were killed.

A hologram transmission of Darth Malgus was been transmitted in the center of it. Stopping all confrontations and sounds while the Sith General spoke.

MALGUS: Greeting senators of the republic, I come forward to you with a possibility to end this war once and for all. The only thing you need to do is join the Sith empire and in every surviving Jedi for their execution. I you don't we'll let me present you our newest weapon.

The hologram showed a battle station that looked like a moon.

MALGUS: This is the death star, a battle station with the capacity to destroy a planet with only one attack, if you decide to not give in, we'll destroy each system until there is nothing left, I will wait two days for your response. Burry your death and decide what your decision will be, if you decide to bring us the Jedi we want, we'll spare the galaxy if not our next target will be Naboo.

Once the transmission ended the crowd erupted in chaos once again as many senators spoke at once.

SENATOR: We must give in; we have no opportunity to face such kind of weapon!!!

ORGANA: This republic won't be seduced by threats!!!!

SENATOR: What could we do?

The panic continued to succumb in the chamber, until a new group joined the meeting led by the new Jedi council formed by Y/N L/N, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jin, Ploo Koon , Anakin Skywalker Aalaya Secura, Jaro Tapal, Jokasta Nun, Kento Marek, Marris Brod and to the surprised of Many Count Dooku. The Grey Jedi stood alongside the senators as the crow looked at them some with hope, while other with anger and resentment.

Y/N: Senators, we stand here knowing that many of you lost faith on us since the beginning of his war. We don't blame you for that.

SEATOR: Why should we hear you? You and the other Jedi have done nothing more than to leave the republic in its weakest state since thousands of years. And to face it all you have brought Count Dooku the one who caused as much destruction and death as the Jedi.

Dooku took a step forward.

DOOKU: I had made mistakes, but now I had come to at least help.

The count's robotic hand opened in half revealing a chip with information that once it was installed a hologram of the death star appeared.

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