Capturing Dooku

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After a long search, Master Jedi Y/N L/N and Master Qui-Gon Jinn had found the real plan of the old Sith General Darth Malgus who froze himself and other siths in carbonite. The Jedi order had recovered the bodies of the siths, but there was no sing that Malgus was there, but they weren't the only ones who found something. The separatist leader count Dooku was tracked down , In a heroic attempt to capture the the Sith, Anakin Skywalker has gone missing. Knowing his last known location Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi with the assist of Y/N L/N head towards their friends last known location to a lone separatist frigate in the far reaches of the Outer Rim.


Y/N stood there in his and standing in front of him was Darth Malgus, the sith lord was there with his lightsaber ignited in a second both warriors launched themselves at each other. The two of them had only one thing in their mind Kill the one who stood in front of the other. The duel started. The light produced by the clash of blades illuminated the battlefield. The Jedi and Sith kept on the assault on their opponent, both of them with their aggressive style trying to get an opening to end their opponent. Malgus parried a the jedi sword that was aiming at his head and with the opening he countered the Jedi, slashed the leg of the Jedi making him fall to the ground at the mercy of the sith as he pointed his blade to the defenseless Jedi.

MALGUS: Die!!!

Everything went black after that the now Jedi Master opened his eyes to find himself in the Training chambers of the ship he and Obi-Wan took for their new mission. Sweat running down his forehead as he tried to regain control of his breath. As the Jedi regained his composure the door of the training room opened, revealing Obi-Wan.

OBI-WAN: It's time to start the mission Y/N.

Y/N took a last deep breath before he stood up and joined his friend

Y/N: All right let's get going. 

Both Jedi started walking, Obi-Wan couldn't help to be worried for his friend.

OBI-WAN: Y/N, is everything okay? You've been training nonstop since your mission with Master Qui-Gon.

Y/N: I need to be stronger, Malgus could be out there and I need to be ready to face him or whomever else appears on the way.

OBI-WAN: I understand, but do you really need to force yourself to that extend you were in the training chamber for more than fourteen hours straight.

Y/N: In that time I fought what I believe is the mirror of malgus. I fought with him using all the tricks I knew , but I haven't been able to beat him.  He truly was the best General of the sith empire.

OBI-WAN: It was expected that he would be a formidable opponent, but now let's concentrate in our new mission. If everything goes right we could be closer to end this war.

Y/N: Anakin did his part I presume?

OBI-WAN: Yes, he was captured and now he is waiting for us to rescue him.

Y/N: Well then, we don't want to keep him waiting.

The two Jedi got to the control room.

OBI-WAN: We shall be arriving not so far from Anakin's last known location.

As the ship got closer both Jedi got their equipment ready, Obi-Wan putten on a space suit while Y/N putten on his helmet (The one that came with the armor on the bio)

OBI-WAN: Are't you puttin a space suit?

Y/N: I modified the armor so it could sustain the pressure of space, also the helmet has recycle oxygen tank. And no offense my friend , but that suit doesn't looks comfortable at all.

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