Never Alone, Never left Behind

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War has escalated the new Sith army has gained terrain through the galaxy. Spreading terror and death whenever they pass, The republic is now fighting a three way war dividing it's resources to fight this new enemy. As for now Y/N L/N Grey Jedi Master of the order was running towards his apartment, the Jedi had faced many trials through his life, but this time it was different, this time he was going to face the one trial that the Jedi order didn't prepared him for, to be a father.

KIRA:(Chuckles ) I never thought I'll see you this nervous master, after all the things we've faced....

Y/N: In all my years, there is no thing I couldn't handle until now...

 Once they arrived, Cora came out of one of the main bedrooms and looked at Y/N.

CORA: She's been asking for you for a while now, she didn't wanted to start without you.

Y/N looked nervous but he was pushed froward by his old padawan.

KIRA: Master, you'll do grate okay.

Y/N: Thank you Kira.

Y/N: Entered the room where a medical droid was standing alongside the bed where Padme was accommodated as she brethren heavily, but once she saw her husband a weak smile appeared on her face

PADME: Y/ are here uhgggg

Y/N got closer and graved her hand.

Y/N: I wouldn't missed this.

MEDICAL DROID: Okay senator we need you to start pushing.

PADME: I'm trying ughhhh. This is your fault Y/N!!!!!

Y/N: I'm sorry dear, I'll make it up for you....

PADME: You better ughhh.....

After a few minutes and Padme almost destroying Y/ N's hand the baby was born.

MEDICAL DROID: Congratulations it's a girl.....

PADME: Let me see her please....

The medical droid handed the new born into Padme's hand, the senator could only cry while carefully hugging her daughter.

MEDICAL DROID: I'll leave you alone.

the droid left leaving the couple alone.

PADME: Look at her Y/N she's our little girl.

Padme looked up to see her husband only to find a scene that surprised her, Y/N was crying,  when he arrived at Naboo all those years ago he would have never imagine that all those decisions would led him to this. Right now as he saw the love of his life caring his daughter, he couldn't contain all his emotions, his happiness. his fears., his excitement, seen them made all his doubts fade , he would win this war, beat Sidious and Malgus, cause now his reason to fight and resolve only grew stronger. The jedi cleaned his tears and looked at his wife smiling.

Y/N: Shes beautiful just as her mother, have you decided what name you want for her?

PADME: I've been thinking of calling her Zuri.

Y/N: (Surprised) Angel, are you sure.

PADME: She gave her life for you, if it wasn't for her, we may have never met each other.  So I think we would be honoring her.

Y/N smiled at her as he looked at his daughter. he got his hand closer to the little baby who graved Y/N's finger with her little hand.

Y/N: I think its a grate idea angel, she will grow to be a great person.

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