Hi again

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His sister smiled. She went to Pai
" Is this him?"
" Yes, how did you?"
" P'Pai, it's me. I'll do anything to make you happy."
" I need to go see him now, I have so many questions to ask him."
" Phi, can we play it my way. He has to crawl back to you. I know you'll take him back but trust me, I know what I'm doing. We'll drive him to the edge."
" How? I can't wait to have him back with me."
" Then you have to let me make him stay. If we do it your way, he'll get scared and run off again."
" So what should I do."
" Move!"
" What?"
" Go and stay in the house dad bought for you for your 18th birthday."
" No, it's too big and..."
" You're going to be breaking beds real soon that place is more quieter. And besides, if Sky comes here, he'll know you've moved."
" You're so sure, what if he knows nothing about me?"
" Phi, I'm sure he's monitoring you the way we're looking for him. I go to work with you and close with you so he could see. So he could have the illusion that you've moved on."
" How are you so sure.?"
" I know these things. Give him time, he'll come crawling back and then you make him stay."
" Fine, go on with your plan."
" Okay" she called Off and gave him some instructions.
Off pretended to carry some clothes out and heard them talking about Pai
He dropped the laundry and they both turned to look at him
" What's wrong?"
" You both know Khun Prapai that owns that large company?"
Sky was interested and asked
" You know him?"
"Who doesn't. I heard he has been doing fine recently but before he completely had a mental breakdown."
"Why?". Sky asked curiously
" His lover, he broke his heart and he didn't know how to act after he left so he completely lost himself. Drinking and acting up. He was given time off for a while, but now I heard he walks a round with Phan. I heard she's so beautiful." Sky confirmed this information as he had been seeing them around."
" It's said that he might ask her to marry him?"
" Marry him? But he likes boys?" Sky said flabbergasted
" Not anymore, I feel the last guy traumatized him too much." Sky's face fell. He was not one to show emotions on his face but he couldn't help it. It was like he was losing his special person and he couldn't express it any better than being absolutely angry and enraged. He put his hand over his mouth to silence himself from screaming at the top of his lungs. He had lost his everything in a second and he was genuinely pissed off.
The next day, he came to the cafe again but this time Pai headed for the cafe so Sky had to go upstairs. Pai looked around the entire place. There were empty seats everywhere but he was drawn to a particular one by the window. His sister followed. She was someone who hated to dress up but for her brother's sake she was willing to look like a super model to impress. Pai sat down. It was a familiar scent, too familiar that he stood up and sniffed the chair, he couldn't help himself. Phan looked at him with her eyes widened in utter disbelief. Sky saw him and knew at once that Pai was still obsessed. He sat down looked at Phan " if I licked this chair would I look crazy?"
" Definitely, what's wrong with you?"
" He was here, in his particular seat"
" How do you know that?"
" I can smell him from any angle."
"Ewwwww, I don't think I want to know that information."
They both ate and drank and left.
The very next day, Pai stayed at his office window and waited with binoculars. He was waiting for someone and crazy enough he came. He held his breath he looked at him for such a long time before Phan came for them to leave together. He watched a bit more because coming down would mean he had to ignore Sky and the urge to run to him. As he walked with his sister he couldn't help but crack his neck to the direction Sky was. He pretended not to see him but something made him chuckle as he bent his head to cover this. It was Sky looking at him like he wanted to kiss the window pane. He was enthralled. He looked at Pai the same way he had looked at him for the longest time. There was no difference. The desire was different. It was more piercing and Pai was going to take full advantage of this. All of this made the plan even sweeter. Sky looked at him like a snack. He placed his hand on his neck. He couldn't walk up to him. He would have to explain a lot but closing his eyes he imagined taking off his clothes. He imagined it all. He imagined it was himself in the lady's place. He imagined making him laugh like that but then he remembered a gun to Pai's head and him telling him he trusted him. What if, what if he didn't come through? what if Pai was killed that night. He left his lover to protect him. Breaking both of them apart. It was his place to take a step but he couldn't bring himself to. He knew Pai would never forgive him as he was constantly pushing him away. It hurt but what could he do. This was his karma for leaving him

Phayu took Rain into the house. No words was spoken between the two. It was absolute silence. Rain bowed his head in shame. What was he to say to him? He could sense Phayu was upset but in all fairness, he should have stopped him since he knew Rain had bad judgement. It was all on Phayu! That was what Rain told himself as he got into the house. He was on the defensive. But when he looked he noticed that Phayu had already set the table for two. He looked at him.
" What made you think I was going to stay."
" Nothing."
" But the table is already set and all."
" I just assumed you'd like to eat. I waited a while to get to this point, I didn't think anything after it."
" Okay! And if I say I'm not eating?"
" That's fine I'll just pack them up." Phayu placed them in the fridge and went to bed. Rain waited for about an hour and tiptoed to the kitchen to eat. He put the food in the microwave and kept checking to see if Phayu would wake up with all the noise. He didn't. Rain ate to his satisfaction and returned to bed. Phayu smiled. He was awake the whole time. All the meals he prepared were meals Rain liked m he stocked up the fridge with things he was sure they needed to make Thai dishes. Rain was picky. If he wouldn't be wanted, he would make himself a necessity that Rain wouldn't be able to do without. This was his plan

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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