You can't keep me safe

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Rain tried to fight him off but Phayu latched onto him like glue.
" Let me go P'Phayu. I tried to live your life, I really did. Tried to understand you and what you're going through but I really can't. I love you.. oh I absolutely do but I can't keep up. One moment, I'm madly in love with you and the next I'm looking for ways to destroy you. It's not healthy at all. P'Phayu we are not good for each other. It sickens me to say this but its true. Love is not supposed to hurt this much. If I ask you what happened will you tell me?"
" Yes, yes I will. Rain, I messed up I know. I've been so used to a particular system that I need to adjust to the new one, you, in my life right now. I know, I really was lost and inconsolable but I really do love and care for you."
"So tell me, what happened back there."
Phayu pulled Rain to sit beside him as he narrated what transpired.
" And I've been so used to Sky being my comfort person that I blacked out at that moment. I know you were hurt and...
" Phayu, Taytie sent his men to kill me, Sky and Prapai. For now I don't even know where they are. But for now, can we talk."
" Are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere?"  Phayu turned Rain around to see if he was okay.
" I'm fine, was scared but I'm good now."
Phayu pulled Rain to the bed and made him sit on it. He got on his two knees and placed his hand on Rain's thighs and rested his head on them. The room fell completely silent. He raised himself a bit and reached for Rain's head kissing him on the place the assailant had put the gun and he returned to his former position. Rain could hear his heart. It was strange but he felt he could hear everything, his pains his heart aches and all but he needed to hear him say it. He needed to feel he was part of his life but even at this very moment, Phayu was not saying anything. Rain got up and told Phayu " I think we need to take a break. When you're ready, we can talk."Phayu didn't hold him back this time around and let him leave. He was in a bad place and holding Rain could bring more harm than good for him so he let him leave.
Phayu went from a kneeling position to crouching on the floor. He had an enemy to deal with and if pushing Rain would make his head clear, then so be it. He folded himself. He couldn't even let himself cry as much as he wanted to. Rain went to his dad's house. He called home that he was going to be at his dad's so his things needed to be brought over. He lied. He needed Phayu to hold him back, to tell him to stay, to open up to him. But seeing him, he accepted that it was not going to be that easy. He had three days. He was leaving for the Turkish branch of their company and had no intention of returning. He thought and contemplated it so much but once he left Phayu's house, his mind was made up. He took a detour and went to the river, closed his eyes and dropped his feelings at the bridge. Returning to his pedestal would be easy but letting go of Phayu would be the hardest.

Sky looked at Prapai for the longest time and out of the blues with a bright smile on his face said " I want to make love to you." Pai's eyes broadened. It was the audacity and the fact that Gun was in the same room. He wished he could vanish at that point. He looked left and right trying to busy himself and chose the most awkward option, backing away like the moonwalk. Pai looked at him
" What?"
" It's been so long and you... Look really yummy today."
"Can you be any less shameless?"
" You're dating me and you know the answer is no."  Sky rushed to Pai and gave him a kiss on his cheek then his nose as he drew closer to his mouth, he wasn't to only one feeling the vast of the emotions as Pai grabbed him too and they kissed. Sky moved and shouted " Gun, close your ears!" Even Pai got shy. He absolutely loved his daring boyfriend and gave in easily. He lifted him from off the ground and kissed him desperately. They both gasped for air but found themselves wanting more. Pai dug his head into Sky's neck and Sky retaliated. It was a wild night and both partied knew they were not leaving without getting marks. It was wilder, more wilder than before. He was more verbal with his requests of what gave him pleasure and Pai fulfilled. He spoke where he needed to be touched and did not shy away. Pai saw Sky completely open up, unafraid and it was worth every second. Being with him was a greater delight than anything. His phone vibrated but he didn't bother picking up. They both lay exhausted on the bed after the act, little touches here and there to signify their closeness. Pai could feel he experienced utter satisfaction and so did Sky. They went at it a couple of times to realise this.
" P'Pai?"
"No matter what, I love you absolutely. You know that right?"
" Yes I do." Sky smiled and slept on Pai's arms
The next morning, Pai woke up, there was no Sky beside him. He panicked and went downstairs. He saw Gun making breakfast.
" Where's Sky."
" I think you have to eat before I give you the news.
" Where's Sky, tell me.
"He returned.
" To where?"
"To be the Top point. It's the only way to keep you safe. P'Pai, I'm sorry I have to break this to you but, you'll never see Sky again. He's given up his safety for your protection. In his own words, I can't bear to see Pai like that again, it breaks my heart. I really want to give him a befitting break up that is worth all the heart aches."
Pai let his tears fall. He didn't hold back. There was a reason to his happiness and it was to crush Pai.
"Why... Why didn't he tell me, I..."
" You wouldn't have let him go. This was his way of protecting you.
" I'm so sorry Pai but he did. You were just one of the many. Sky doesn't deserve love and you shouldn't be the One to give it. This is his revenge

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