My Job

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" one... Two... One... Two ..." Peat and Boss breathed heavily as they were in a battle for top point. Top point was a position that had been held by the two of them consistently for four years. The others were also high graded and tried to get their spaces but failed woefully because Peat and Boss were unbeatable. Today as well, competing one on one with each other it was apparent that they were not even trying to beat each other. They would both maintain their spots as top point.
" bring them in." Two young boys were pushed in by three others with guns to an abandoned building in the outskirts of town. They looked nothing more that twelve. They tried to wriggle their way out of the situation but it was impossible at this time they were obviously crying, pleading and begging for their lives, they both promised to be good boys if they let them go but all this fell on deaf ears. A man came from the shadows. He had a gruff appearance and was not at all interested in their pleas. He took a good look at them, smiled and said "this is exactly what we need fresh blood." Money was given to the three men and they left. Peat and Boss saw this as an opportunity and tried to run away but two other men chased after them and in no time caught up with them. They fought back by biting the men but were hit with hard punches which made them unconscious. They were thrown into a van and sent away. When they both eventually gained consciousness, they found themselves in a field. Various people were there, left and right. They all stood in a line. Some looked sixteen others way younger. They were all messy and scrawny. There was a podium in front of them, this was where the man from last night stood, looking down on them like a merchant to his slaves. Peat and Boss had never met themselves before this moment but they bonded over the fact that they really needed to escape all of this together. Looking at the man in front of them a new kind of fear gripped them. He stood firmly without a smile on his face and began " I'm a business man. I don't run businesses solely on the purpose of getting gain, but also for the purpose of protection. I believe that ..." He was stopped on his tracks as he heard someone crying. He grimaced
" If you don't want to continue with me, raise your hand." Everyone did. They were kids and all wanted to return home. He smiled again. A kid shouted
" Take us back home."
" Who's that, come forward." He said. " The kid who looked nothing more than fifteen stepped forward. He was sweating and looked fearless.
" I love your resilience." A shot was fired. The resilient kid was on the floor. A sniper shot him dead. All the kids began to scream. Two other boys were also killed. A few of the kids ended up fainting. The man on the podium cleared his throat.
" As I was saying before I was abruptly disturbed." The whole arena fell silent. It was like a very big dome clearly in a place that had no other residents apart from them. The man continued
" I will train you all to be the perfect soldiers. You'll kill for me, save lives for me, do whatever I ask you too because you have no choice. I'll keep you alive and take you to the pinnacle of success. No one would be able to touch you or me anymore." This was not part of their plan. There was fear in their eyes. All their hopes and dreams faded away right in front of their eyes.
Peat and Boss were assigned to toilet duty. They watched their mates learn how to use a gun and get absolutely the best trainings but they were happy in their little cycle with a kid called Gun. Gun was what one would classify as a beautiful boy. He was smallish and had a small stature. Boss tried his best to protect Gun from bullies as best he could. Some were just so vile, peeping to watch him bath. The three friends made it a duty to bath as late as possible to protect him. Now, there was a test going on. This test was to check the kids willingness to kill. This test took place three years after they were brought in. Some kids passed, so many others didn't and they were never seen again. Boss and Peat were cleaning the toilet as usual. They waited a bit for Gun to come and join them but by the time they were done, Gun was no where to be found. They went back to their room to look for him but he was not there. They asked the person on the top bunk where he was
" A guard came and took him."
" Took him? To where?"
I don't know, check the kitchen. This was late at night as they were only allowed to clean the toilet after everyone was done so they could also bath then. Peat and Boss ran to the bathroom and saw Gun. He was sitting on the table top. The guard had a gun to around face and wanted Gun to entertain him by dancing. His hands were flailing around in the air. He was so uncomfortable but had no choice. Both boys were not smiling anymore. There was a knife by the side of the table. Boss picked it up as he got closer to the man with a smile on his face. Peat then asked " you like looking at children don't you?" The man smiled and nodded. Peat saw the knife in Boss' hand and stepped in front of him. He raised his hands as well as if to dance. The man dropped his gun and watched him closely. Peat spinned in front of him and danced. Before he could raise his hand to touch him Boss had steadied his knife and stabbed him on his neck. He couldn't even shout as his throat was slit. He fell to the ground and Peat ran to Gun who was still on the table top and covered his eyes. He brought him down and told him to walk," don't look back, just keep walking, okay."
" Khap." As he kept walking forward. Boss dropped the knife from his hand which was shaking profusely. Peat held his hand and could tell he was clearly afraid.
" We are in this together. I hope you know this Boss."
" I do." They were contemplating what to do. When Gun returned with a bucket, shovel and mop.
" So where do we dump the body he said" like a maniac. He had gotten blood dissolver and everything else. He didn't mind at all. This place had hardened him already, but knowing he had brothers who could protect him was all he needed. Peat and Boss carried the body outside, it was dark and no one was around. They were both traumatized as they had vomited several times in the bush but didn't mind. As they dropped the body ready to dig. They both heard clapping all around them. They turned fearful to check who it was only to see the boss and his minions. He had a big smile in his face
" I never knew you both had it in you but congratulations the three of you pass my test." Boss who was going through all stages of depression killing a man to protect his friend registered what the man had said.
He turned a bit happy
" Dose that mean he isn't dead?"
" No, he is very dead, but you pass."
From that day on, they were no longer kept in toilet duty. They started training them. Boss never recovered. He went on to be the best marksman the organisation had. If a mission was becoming too difficult they called on him, Peat and Gun
Peat was made to learn how to please men and women alike. He had a face that was seductive. His eyes were truly one to fall into. They had their first mission and killed a person. Peat curled up in a part of the room for a while.
Gun who was known as the innocent one became a master at manipulation. He learnt how to use small things like needles, pins, drugs to poison his opponents. He was also a really good user of the gun.
Their names were later changed to
Payu, Sky and White respectively.

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