How It Affects Us

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Pai didn't wait another minute. He gathered the last of his strength and left the office. Taytie rushed to the door and held him by the collar.
" I loved him like a son and you took him away from me. Don't act like you're sorry. He defied me because he wanted to protect you. You good for nothing." Taytie punched Pai hard across the face. This sent him staggering back. It cut his upper lip and blood gushed out. Pai had not heard this part and needed to know so he grabbed Taytie back
" How? How did he defy you because of me?" Taytie pushed him away. Taytie was a man in his late 40s but prior he was one of the best snipers in Thailand. He was recruited by a secret organization and when they saw his talent let him be their leader. They saw him as the saviour that would make their organization more powerful. He made a lot of things work but he knew that for his organization to be perfect he needed to make a copy of himself as brutal and as strong. That was how he got Sky and Payu after much trial and error and deaths, he was successful. They were a force together. He looked at this puny man in front of him and he got more upset. Sky had been successful and well rounded but how could he fall in love with this thing in front of him and throw away his chances of being the best of the best. He was Top Point.
" He....he saw you? Of all people, and decided to be a wimp and a simp. Telling me that he will protect you even if his life depends on it. You're not even worth protecting let alone dying for. Sky must have really been too stupid."
With every new revelation, Pai felt like he was going under. His hands shook with fear. He didn't expect everything that bombarded him from every angle. He grew weary and his face changed. He called his driver to get him because he knew that if he drove, there'll be and accident. When he arrived, he got into the car and laid down. Getting to his house, he changed his mind and went back to the car " take me to a hotel, I don't think I'll be at home for a while."  The hotel was owned by his father so there was no need for any checks. The room given to him was his regular and had his personal items inside. He couldn't get a hold of anyone. He called Sky's phone. Hoping and praying that he picks up. This was unusual but he couldn't help himself. He truly was on the verge of losing his mind. He got a bottle and gulped it down like it was water. He wasn't expecting to forget today but desperately wished it was a dream. A dream he should have woken from but was stuck and needed to sleep. He closed his eyes but Sky's face kept popping up. He thought about it again, why didn't Sky get up to follow him. Why did he just stay back on the bed. He called the hotel back
" Yes sir, hope all is well?"
" No, I need to confirm something?"
" Go on"
" Was there blood on the bed when it was being checked."
" Yes sir, how did you know? It was really much." Pai hung up. His eyes that tears filled a little bit were now completely watery. He shouted and screamed. He ran his hand through his hair and just lay on the floor. He was unconsolable. He was angry at Sky, and at everything
" AS MUCH AS I TOLD YOU THAT I DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. HERE I AM, PRAYING THAT THE TIDE TURNS IN MY FAVOUR. EVEN IF I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN. CAN YOU PLEASE STILL WALK ON THE SAME EARTH I'M ON. SKY, I .....I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU ON THIS EARTH! You have filched my heart, stolen it and not given it back. My whole existence is filled with you Sky. Even at night I cannot run from the Sky, Please live, you can't die. You're a Top Point for goodness sake, you told me nothing can kill you. I am nothing. Please..." Pai cried till he was numb. The more he cried the more he felt empty.

Rain got home feeling really tired and drained. It was not from the journey but rather from the fatigue and exhaustion of losing the one he was beginning to love. He saw an invitation on his phone and decided to go. He took his bath, sprayed his most seductive perfume and went on his way looking ravishing. On arriving he was greeted with hails from a particular friend. He sat beside him and they began gisting. Rain had stopped himself several times from going out with this particular person but he felt lonely so he went with him. In no time he was bored already and just drank the wine in front of him without saying anything. He sighed heavily even the person with him was  begining to get tired of his company. Rain was so drunk that he didn't notice when his friend had left to talk to other people and someone else was seated there. The view in front of him was blurry and didn't even notice when Payu had sat before him just looking at him. He had the stars in his eyes just looking at Rain. He even did some gestures that got him giggling. Rain looked so lost in that very moment. Payu wanted to watch him for some time before leaving. He understood his pains and resentment and just kept quiet. He looked out for the restroom for his friend to return but he was nowhere to be found.
Some minutes later the waiter came with a bill. Payu noticed Rain had slept off so he pointed at himself for the bill.
" As his friend was leaving he told me to tell him that he would handle the bill as he didn't come with his wallet."
" Is that what he said? Did he just leave like that?"
" Yes he did." Payu nodded. He was to deal with him later. He planned to make a quick escape but now he was stuck with Rain. He needed to get him home safely. He paid for the drinks and apparently the guy took some home. Payu rolled his eyes at his incompetence and irresponsibility of letting Rain just stay there. He held him by the shoulder and carried him to the car. It was a designated driver, he told him where Rain was going and shut the door. As the taxi moved he ran after it and stopped the cab and got inside. He would safely take him home then let him be. In the cab, Rain began to cry. Payu had to put his ear on Rain's mouth to hear him

" Love lost is the most painful thing in the world. Don't lose the one you love and fight trying to get them back. I miss my lover so much. He left a hole, right here." Rain drunkenly tried to point to the place his heart was and gave up eventually when he couldn't find it.
" I think my heart was right around here but Payu, Payu is his name of my lover right , he took it away and I let him. Now. I don't have any heart any more. It's gone. I'm empty and I can't go on."

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