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Sky changed to something more provocative. It was a really short short with an oversized t shirt. Pai examined it before realizing it was actually his. Sky further confirmed his suspicions by saying
" Sorry, I wanted to get my shirt but I didn't see anything quite like this so I put yours on. Hope you're not offended?"
" Of course not.... It's just that..." Pai couldn't say. He would be digging his own grave if he did. Sky looked so good it was impossible for him not to be enticed. He could hear his heart beat faster. He wanted to ignore but they were there pulling at his heart. The things his mind were saying could not be told to another living soul at this point as they were complete dirty thoughts. He scratched his brows, looked away difficultly and and within a second his gaze was back. How could he look so good he thought. He couldn't stop. His eyes followed Sky to the dining where the meals had been served and he sat to eat. Pai sat across from him and was absentmindedly admiring him. Sky noticed it but pretended like all this was unintentional. There was no better feeling than knowing the person you like, likes you way more than you do and looks at you like you're his entire galaxy. Pai didn't know how he got here. How he got to love Sky the way he did.
When they were at the bar where the shootout happened, Pai held onto Sky unafraid. It occured to him there and there that he was going to pursue him till he got him. Now he was sitting opposite him, eating the meal he prepared and provoking him. Pai smiled at truly how far they had come. He had messed up a couple of times but here they were.
" Sky, can we just run away?"
" What?" Sky literary choked because he was not expecting what Pai was saying.
" I want to take you so far away that no one sees you and live there. Should we go back to the island?"
" First of all you're sounding like a crazy person and secondly no, because I have trauma just thinking about that place."
" I'm really sorry. I just.."
" Left me there? Pai I'm not sure I can go on a trip with you again because what if you leave me again."
" Sky I'll never do that."
" But you did. I don't think I'll ever get that out of my head. My feeling of desperation and fear. That's when I needed you the most, but you fucking left me on the island." Pai could see Sky was beginning to get angry thinking about it. He stood up and walked up to Sky standing by his side, he knelt down " it's already hard without you." He placed his hand on Sky's head. " My life has seen really bad times, horrible times and they were all the times when you were not with me. So Sky, my life is in your hands, do with me as you please ."
" And what if I want to leave?"
" Can that not be an option?"
" Why are you scared now? You weren't scared when you left me there."
" Say it then. Sky can you vent at me. Be mad break things I don't care I can replace them. But you, I can't replace you. So just say it. Say whatever you've been hiding, I won't mind. I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm just asking you to be honest with your feelings and your resentments towards me."
" Pai, I don't think you'll be able to take what's in my mind."
" I will just say it."
" I hate you. I hate you for losing me. Do you know what I thought when you walked out? What's the point what's the point of me staying when you were no longer there. I realised I had fallen for you and there was no getting back up. I was stuck there with you leaving me. There was no point. I hated that I was helpless but I hated the fact that it was the person I was really about to give my all to that did it to me. I trusted you enough to tell you everything about myself and you thought I would cheat on you? What do you really take me for P'Pai. Huh... A door mat you can throw aside when you're done with me?" His voice was so pained it was vibrating. His hand remained on Pai's head. He ran it through his head and brought it down to his throat. A thought of choking him occured but he just couldn't do it. How did this person become his everything. Like air, it got windy and dusty sometimes dry and suffocating but you couldn't complain because you need it to survive. That was who Pai had become to Sky.
" I'm so sorry I made you feel this way. I really don't know how I can placate you but I'll try, I'll try my best till you forgive me or even better, love me again." Pai got up off the floor and without a thought in his head went for the thing that enticed him the most Sky's lips. He pressed his lips on his. He had missed this. Sky who wasn't expecting this at all reciprocated. As much as he complained or fought the feeling this was a man he yearned for and couldn't see himself without. His hand slowly moved to the back of his head pulling him closer. Pai slid his hand under his shirt just to feel his slender waist. This was indeed missed. Sky pulled back and looked at Pai
" Aren't you going to eat?"
" You or the meal."
" Depends. Which one looks more done." Pai couldn't believe his ears
" I thought you said you hate my flirting. So why are you doing it to me?"
" I'll stop ..."
" No no, keep going, I absolutely love it. I love you so much more."
The next day they both slept in together. Sky saw several missed calls on Pai's phone when he woke up. He was about to get up to go to the restroom when the phone rang again.
He picked up to answer.
" Hello, sorry hs isn't available. Can you?"
" I knew that if I could reach him, I'll get to you."
" Who's this?"
The guy you left at the bar. I want to settle my scores."
" What scores and how did you even get his number?"
" That's not important. You owe me a one night stand. You humiliated me so now it's two nights. I don't care if you're in a relationship or not. You owe me and I'll get it back!"
" I'm not buying what you're selling."
" Oh you will. I'll make sure of it. I can tell you for a fact, once you've tasted mine, there's no going back..." Sky hung up and instantly blocked the number deleting the call log. It was easy because he knew Pai's password.

He picked up the phone Pai bought him when they moved in. On it was just Payu, Gun and Pai's numbers. He saved his personally with emojis and heart signs. He called Payu. It was still very early so he didn't pick up immediately.
" I need you to deal with someone for me." Payu didn't even ask for details and said " no problem."
Rain's strange behavior was causing him to startle at every little thing. He was physically panicking and no matter how many times Payu asked him about it, his reply was always nothing. On this particular day, Rain called Payu to the room looked him dead in the eyes and said " I took things too far. I panicked and felt betrayed so I hired someone to get rid of you from your company."
" What?"
" Those goons you told me you fought. They weren't after Sky, they were after you.

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