Dangerous Games

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Sky left in the car. If he was going to bring Pai to his knees, he had to prove that to Pai that he wasn't the only one in his life. His phone rang several times till he put it on airplane mode. Half way through he told the man he wanted to alight from the vehicle. The guy thought he was joking but Sky was dead serious and when the car came to a halt he got off. The guy followed behind as he saw him waving for a cab.
"What's going on? We were supposed to go back to my place and have fun."
He said
"I know but I got bored and didn't feel like anymore." Sky said
" Did you use me to make your guy friend jealous."
Sky sighed" yes I did but it's of no consequence."
" What do you actually want tell me, I'll give it to you."
" I'm not sure you can. Compared to him, I don't think you can. My standards are pretty high up there."
" I planned to go home with a hot guy tonight and I did, which is you. So you will do everything I want and pleasure me as much as I want. You have no choice.". Sky burst out laughing and turned around to call the cab he was hoping to get. One stopped and as he was walking towards it, the guy dragged him back by his shirt tearing the lower part
" you can't leave me horny and all."
" I don't fucking care, just go home." Sky looked down on the torn part
" That's good, I'll look like I had a wild night." The man held up his fist as if to fight. Sky snared at him " stop acting like a loser. It was a privilege to meet me and get me to talk to you. Now stop." Before he could throw a punch, Sky brushed him off and he landed on the floor. It was so easy that the guy couldn't even put up a defense. He got into the cab and it took him to a hotel. He lodged and slept off peacefully.
Pai called and called. He was getting desperate. As he got to the penthouse he stayed outside and called Sky. He was obviously frustrated. He expected them to be passed this stage by now, but leaving him on that plane was truly a deal breaker.
He called Payu who was sleeping. He was shocked to see his call and assumed the worst
" Is Sky okay? What's going on?"
" Sky's gone?"
" What do you mean gone? Did he die?" This made Rain get up instantly
" No... No of course not ... He's fine, he just ghosted me and left with another guy."
" What did you do to get him to leave you ?"
" He said he was tired of my BS and wants us to live like roommates."
" Hahahaha... Then turn your roommate back to your lover. That will be pretty easy, but knowing Sky's personality, it will be nearly impossible." Payu said
" You're not helping." Pai pouted
" Okay let me give you an assurance. He won't sleep with someone else."
" But that was what he did before."
" Pai, Sky loves you now. He would never do anything that would hurt you, at least that's how much I know him, so beg him to forgive you. When someone is in Sky's heart, he never lets them go easily. Trust me and good night." Payu hung up and hugged Rain.
Pai picked up the courage and opened the door expecting to find Sky, but he didn't see him. He slept on the couch in expectations that he would open the door. He didn't see him till the later parts of the morning. Sky took a shower at the hotel and slept soundly. In the morning he ate breakfast and got into a cab to the penthouse on getting to the elevator he ruffled his hair to make it as messy as possible then scattered his clothing turning it inside out to create that wild night effect. On getting inside, Pai was cooking a meal for the both of them. Seeing Sky he couldn't help but chuckle. Sky over did it and looked like he fought with someone. The catch of it all was his shirt. He wasn't going to let anyone ruffle his shirt let alone tear it. Pai dropped the plates he was going to use to serve Sky and walked up to him. One of the plates wasn't properly placed on the kitchen slab so it fell to the ground startling them both but Pai didn't even look back
" Did you have a fight?"
" No I didn't, why did you ask? I had a wild night and I even..."
" And the person tore your clothes? Sky, I wouldn't get away with tearing your clothes even if it was a mistake or when we're having sex, so how did it get torn."
" Pai can it not be your business."
" Okay. Please go and take a shower. I'd like to hear all about your mystery man since we're roommates, don't leave any detail."
" I don't think it's any of your business."
" Well, I really want to know bestie..."
" Shut up."
Sky knew Pai was mocking him at this point and walked one step closer to him
" Aren't you a little jealous?"
" No I'm not. Because for some reason when I remember the island, me pinning you up against the wall all I heard was my name over and over again. It would be really awkward if you did it with someone else and screamed my name, don't you think?"
" You're over confident."
" You made me overconfident with the way you love." Pai replied. He was enjoying this banter. Sky didn't even have a reply to him and stormed off.

The man went back to the bar after getting humiliated. He called a friend and showed him Pai's picture.
" Do you know him?"
" Yes I do he comes here regularly. The friend said
" Do you know the person he came with."
" That really pretty man? No I don't.why are you interested in him?"
" He did something to me. He brought me to my knees and I want to bring him down to my bed. Find him for me."

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