A Game I Hate to Play

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Rain got home and threw a fit. The vase on the table he shattered. He was heaving as he walked. Two disappointments in one day. He turned and went back outside and looked at the body guards standing.
" Who was it? Who told him I bought him? WHO?"
" I did." A man came out terrified. Rain smiled and slapped him hard across the face. No words were spoken again as he went back inside. He called Payu and he wasn't taking his calls. He crouched down. His past had come to haunt him in full force.

Sky sat there for hours. His desire to eat or do anything waned. He wasn't talking either. In all honesty, this was a new feeling for him but he needed to accept that life wasn't a bed of roses and losing a friend like Payu was completely out of the question. He loved him no doubt but was it worth losing him over their friendship. They had known each other their whole lives. Sky's parents moved to the side of town Payu was. One day, he was riding his bike and fell off. Payu rushed in and picked him up, cleaned off his clothes and took the crying Sky home. His parents were so grateful that they asked Payu to stay for dinner. He called his parents to inform them and they were delighted because he had not made any friends since he moved. That began their blooming friendship. Sky was a bit younger but it didn't quite matter. When they were twelve, that was the time Taytie took them. Sky knew the value and he wasn't going to take it for granted.
He hadn't gone to the office either because Pai called him not to come. He was going to take the bull by the horn and call Payu, he was rejected and he knew Payu would be beating himself up about it.
Rain on the other hand felt really guilty about the way he treated Payu and wanted to apologize. Payu was not taking his calls or responding to his texts either. Rain was secondary to Payu like an after thought He just met him and there was no way they could have any connection anymore as Rain had killed any chance of it. He knew he did when he saw Payu's face in the car. A face of absolute disappointment. Rain laid down on his bed, the only picture that flashed in his memory was the look on his face when he saw him. That look of regret, indecision and anger. Pai was someone who was really there for him, genuine and true but what he did to him was truly unforgivable. The pictures played in his head daily and sometimes he dreamt of it like nightmares haunting him. He had apologized several times he had knelt down and begged Pai all to no avail.
Pai didn't go to work for days, he wasn't even talking to anyone. All of them were in shitty places and needed just one person to be on their side.
Gun had been calm for the past two days watching his friend group fall apart. He couldn't take it anymore and went to Sky's house who was hesitating to call his friend. He picked up the phone and called Payu " Sky got into a huge accident and he's at home m" He didn't even have to finish the statement before Payu dropped whatever he was holding and came running. In no time he met with a perfectly healthy Sky who was perplexed to see him. The look he gave spoke volumes. Without minding that Gun.was there " I'm really sorry Sky, I was insensitive and a jerk, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too for not considering your side of everything. It's okay not to like me like that and I threw away friendship for trivial feelings that will pass in no time."
"Can we talk about it?"
"No, I rather we don't, it's better this way." Sky went up to him and hugged him. Payu breathed a sigh of relief. He was okay with the world hating him but not Sky. They looked at each other after they patted and smiled. Gun hugged the both of them " Don't I deserve sweetness too." They all laughed and sat on the couch. They talked in depth about so many things and finally spoke about their missions. That was when Sky realized he hadn't spoken to Pai since that day. He excused himself and went to the office but Pai wasn't there. He went to the chairman's office who was relieved that someone at least cared about his son enough to want to know his whereabouts. He gave him his keys and told him his house address. Sky got into a cab and gave the instructions he got. On arriving at his house he noticed that everywhere was very quiet. Getting inside all the lights were off. He treaded carefully and called for Pai. The house was way bigger than his and had a lot of doors so he was very confused which of them to enter. But then he noticed there was light coming from the second floor. It was like bowls falling and he heard a knife clank. Sky brought out his gun and ran up and shouted " FREEZE!" On entering, he saw a man with his hands raised holding a knife and a ball of onions. It was Pai. Sky scoffed seeing the shirtless man cook. The whole place looked messy and he was truly going through it. He quickly put away his gun. "What are you doing?"
" I'm cooking. I actually thought you were a burglar."
" I don't think any burglar can be this handsome."
"You can't seriously be corny right now."
" I have no choice. What are you actually doing?"
"I'm eating, I eat when I'm stressed but I'm too lazy to order out so I've been making food but it never turns out right."
" I don't think this looks like your aesthetic though , move." Sky cleared his throat and raised his sleeves. Pai just stared at him. He was truly fine. He had to shake his head to clear it from the unholy thoughts he was having in there and back to reality. Sky walked up to him. Pai was a little taller than Pai so he turned Pai around " Is this how you want to play? I like how bold you are." Sky smirked a bit and went to his ear. "Is this how easilu you get turned on."
"When it's you, anything is acceptable." Sky laughed " I just need the apron, get that thought out of your head. He took the apron off his neck and untied the rope. After Sky wore the apron. He just thought about what he had done and found how awkward that was. He looked at Pai who was now sitting watching him cook. I need clear boundaries and I have to set them.
" I want you to know that I... Want us to... to..." Sky couldn't finish it, he just looked at him smiled and turned around " enjoy this meal."
"If it's you making it, I will. He is handsome though.
" who? "
" the guy you like... Too bad he's hanging around that other guy."
"Is that guy so bad a person?"
"He's the worst." Sky wanted to ask further questions but he didn't want to push it so he left it like that. He was someone who liked minding his business. He was just happy he came to Pai's rescue. He was to be present for a year and he was sure Pai's father hadn't told him how he came to be and he wasn't planning on telling Pai either. There was too much baggage in his life and he was not going to add Pai to that.

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