Everything has Consequences

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Years ago...
" We'll have a big party to celebrate our engagement." Prapai looked at his lover who had laughed inside. He was finally getting everything he ever hoped for. The fame, money and man were all his and he basked in the glory of it.
" That's great babe, I also want a costume party where everyone comes in with masks. It will be truly grand. All the people I know and love should be in attendance , I won't call it a show but I really want to show you off."
" The expenses is on me, take my card and go all out."
" Thanks baby." And all out Lan did. Hiring the most expensive things and hall. It was really grand but he was with Pai's black card.

Taytie showed Payu and Sky the perimeter. He never showed the faces of the people they were to attack as it was confidential but it was four persons. Their masks were shown and were to be killed with their masks on. It would be assumed it was part of the show. Sky and Payu picked up their own masks and headed for the event.

The dignitaries in attendance were too numerous to mention. Apart from it being an engagement party. It was also a meeting. People with various needs came in. Men looking for connections, relationships and so many other things were in attendance. They fit right in dressed as the rich. Payu hated suits but because of how clean he looked he got a lot of admirers. They waited till it was time for the toast. That was when they began their operation. Payu went upstairs, found one of their targets and took him out. Sky did the same thing to another man who was on attendance. It was time to take out the remaining two men about to make a big toast. One stood in front of the other and got shot. Sky needed to back up at once because security came in their numbers. The mission was later aborted and was never brought up again. No one knew if they survived or they encountered hardships, all they knew was that it was a closed chapter.

" Do you remember them? Well they were Prapai and Rain. After the incident, they were well protected on every side, practically invisible. Till recently I held the auction to let you into their fold, you both became their protectors and I watched these men want to get closer to you. It made me happy. It was the perfect opportunity. This is your last mission. Kill the both of them and you'll get to meet your parents. " That was the clause. Right from when they were kids trying to survive , that was what had been promised to them but not even one file shown to them.
Peat fell to the ground, hands on his head, tears rolled down his cheeks. Life just proved once more why it was unfair. This broke him and he couldn't even move. Payu looked disdainfully at Taytie " So you set us up for our downfall. You set us up for all of this."

" It was sweet watching the both of you fall in love, want to protect the ones you love and just be cute but it seems like you forget that you're both cold blooded killers with a track record of 98 successful missions. That one was what made it 98, now you can make it 100. Stop acting like those people matter, they don't. They are insignificant and irrelevant. You both have met several people in life, slept with many, so don't act like it's any different."

Sky got upset hearing this. He stood up and looked Taytie in the eyes. Hot tears were forming.
" Met several people? Slept with many? Do you not remember that those were missions. Seduce him and get that information, get close to her and see what she's thinking. We were both pawns to you, moving us the way you wanted without remorse. It didn't bother me then because I was desperate to see my family. But now. I can't believe I'm about to say this but no, I won't do it. You better leave them alone. Send us somewhere else, do whatever you want with us, but I will not allow you touch him, over my dead body."
This was new to Taytie. Sky had always followed orders to the latter, not minding how dirty the duty was. He fulfilled it and didn't talk about it again. But now, did he just say no...
" Sky or rather Peat... Did you just disagree with me..."
" Yes I did and regarding this matter I won't hear of it."
Taytie fell back to his seat in utter shock and disbelief at what was happening in front of him. They had never in all their lives. Payu still didn't say anything. Sky was still defiant till he remembered. He was the one who shot Pai's lover. His eyes widened. " Does that mean... I was the one who killed Lan?"  Cold shivers ran up Sky's entire body. He felt like he had been poured water all over.  He put his hand on his head and screamed. People gathered at the door. Gun came running. He knew his friends voice and had never heard him shout this loudly except he was frustrated. Boss just stood there emotionless, couldn't believe what was happening and what was going on. How could their fates be so cursed? How could the one person he wanted to be serious with be the one he caused the most pain to. Their phones were buzzing with calls from Pai and Rain. Gun held Sky by the shoulder and told everyone to leave the premises as he wanted to speak to his friend. The crowd that gathered dispersed. It was just the four of them.
" What did you do to him Khun Taytie."  The three boys had lost their fear for Taytie. They felt he couldn't hurt them more than what he did when they were children. Now they felt nothing especially Gun who lived like there was no tomorrow. He had successfully destroyed them both physically and psychologically. There was nothing he could destroy anymore but with the looks of things he might have found something new to mess with them with.
" What happened? Boss? Peat?"  Gun never called them by the names the company gave them always by their real names. he only did it to mess with them mostly. They had been extremely close for so long so there was nothing that could separate them now. Sky didn't say anything. His mouth was sealed.
Taytie spoke " you both have a year. After a year, you have to tell me where you stand with them, either you're still in love or otherwise. After that, I'll send three reinforcements, if you're able to evade them all then I'll let you all go, Gun included. You have a year. You either kill them yourselves or I kill them for you. Your choice."

That was when Gun understood what was going on. " You can't be serious? You really found another way to mess with us in ways it would absolutely destroy us. Why do you derive so much joy in doing this. But I will like to tell you, that not this time. I won't let you destroy them like you've always done. We do your bidding, kill for you, no questions asked and now we desire just one thing, you decide that's the one you want to destroy. Let me put it to you, they'll be happy, they'll find love and be extremely happy you psycho. I know we can't quit. But mess with them and find out what I'll do!" Gun held his friends by their shoulders and turned to leave with them. He looked at Taytie once and said" Fuck you!"
Gun took them to his car and put the both men who look dejected and broken. He knew talking to them would be the worst so he dropped Sky at home first and called Pai
" Sky where the hell are you?"
" I'm sorry I'm not Sky, I'm a pedestrian who picked him up, he got into a fatal accident and is currently at home, I'm sure he will live so hurry to his house.

" Hello, am I on to Rain, your number was on speed dial on this man's phone I need you to hurry to his house. It's urgent."
Everything Pai and Rain were talking about was put on hold as they hurried to their respective soon to be lovers. Pai arrived first to see Sky who was just looking at the ceiling. The stranger had told him the password to get into his house so it was easy. Sky's eyes were red and he was obviously crying, not just silent tears but loud sobers. Pai stayed at the corner of the room, he desperately wanted to approach him but just stayed there. His heart broke for some reason. He placed his hand on his chest just watching Sky cry.

Rain rushed to the house in search of Payu. That was when he knew the person didn't mean his own house but Payu's house. He looked at the address that was given and went there. Payu had always been there for him but now, he couldn't even be there for him as he knocked on the gate but there was no response. He could feel his blood pressure rise out of fear. It sounded like a distress call. Rain did what he knew he would never do in his right senses, he jumped the fence of Payu's house. It wasn't too high so it was doable. This alerted the protection system in the house. Payu brought out his gun and came out only to find Rain there, drenched because the sprinklers came on and it took some time before Payu came out.
" Rain, what were you thinking?"
" You've always comforted me, now its my turn."

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