Too Far for your Reach

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The Sky can never touch the sea and that was how far Sky chose to be away from Prapai. Before they had sex he had put something in his drink that was going to take effect in two hours. Sky calculated it as they both drank together. He was someone who he could trust with his life so he didn't even notice that the drink was tasting funny. He ignored that sign. Sky waited till he was fast asleep. He took his time admiring Prapai. He was indeed a handsome man and the epitome of his type. No one could compare and no one even came close. The time he spent with him was obviously a testament to this claim. Sky touched his face and ran his hands all over his body. If this was going to be his last time he needed to make it worth it. He imprinted his face in his memories. He was going to carry that around. He regretted the fact that he couldn't hear him say I love you. That was on his conscience. And it hurt even more that Pai wouldn't even get a say in any of this. If Pai knew he would have done the mission himself.
Taytie had given Sky a way out. He had suggested he worked with him for three years and earn his freedom permanently. This suggestion didn't come from a place of innocence as he couldn't give the life of him beat Sky or Phayu no matter how many people he sent. So this was the only way. He threatened to kill Prapai when he would not be watching or be too busy to save. That was enough to scare him to a accept. He couldn't fight his fate but he could prevent the worst from coming out of it. Anything to keep Prapai safe.
Sky instructed Gun to monitor Pai as much as he could but any report he got was usually really depressing so he stopped asking. He was the cause of his pain and he couldn't help feeling guilty about it. He wanted him to have gotten over it but even at six months Pai was still miserable. Would it have been better if I had broken up with him? Sky asked himself thinking deeply but the outcome would have been the same. He was an integral part of Pai's life.  Sky could feel his heart ache everytime.
Plerng was Pai's sister. She had graduated top of her class and was intellectually very sound. Her brother stopped calling her as he normally did and she noticed this. She worked in a firm at England but couldn't help returning after getting some calls from the maids who she asked to monitor the house in case of anything called her to inform her that her brother was no longer eating or sleeping at home. On returning and finding out about the existence of Sky, she began her investigations. From what she heard he was a good person so why did he ghost her brother?
Two days later she called her brother for dinner at the house. Plerng sat at the table across from her brother who ate quietly. She didn't even know where to start from but she needed to start from somewhere.
" Bro?"
" Huh?"
" Are you okay?"
" Yes I am."
" Are you sure?"
" Yes. Dud hear anything?
" Yes and no, I heard you had a boyfriend and I wanted to meet him."
She had stuck a nerve as Pai dropped his fork.
" If he was still here I would have introduced you but he's not so ..."
" Did he break up with you because my brother is too perfect to be dumped."
" No he didn't. He's just a very complicated man."
" I need to know one thing, do you love him?" Pai's face got serious even Plerng froze to listen
" Nong, I love him as much as I breath. It's that bad. He left with an injury and I couldn't even ask him if he was completely healed. I have no idea how he is now."
" Do you know anyone who has an information about him?"
" Yes I do but no matter how much I beg he doesn't budge."
" What's his name?
" Gun."
" Okay, give me a month. I'll try to get as much information as you need."
Pai looked at her and smiled. If there was one thing his sister was good at it it  was keeping promises.
They both hugged and for the first time in a long time Pai slept soundly. His sister made a call
" Hello, P'Off. I have a mission for you.

Phayu did a lot of things to get Rain's information. This was also when he realized that he hadn't heard from sky for a very long time. He checked his phone and six months ago Sky had called him several times to reach him. He tried now and it went to voicemail. Distraught, he called Gun and got the first hand information of what had happened shaken that this was where he found himself with Rain, he called to see his dad and scheduled a dinner that night.
Phayu sighed as he got to the compound. He felt a cold air of death. Was he going to get killed?
On getting to the house. The maid pointed a sitting out area to him close to the garden. He saw Rain's dad with two men, an unpleasant grin was on his face as he waved for Phayu to come. He was dressed really casually. He had business go take care of and he was going to be swift. Phayu knew at once how it was going to go and was briefed at how Rain's dad handled issues. Mr Type frowned. This did not look like the man who welcomed him with open arms some time ago. Once Phayu arrived, he used a plank and hit Phayu on the back causing him to stagger to his knees. The two other men swiftly grabbed Phayu's hands. They weren't going to fight , just did what Mr Type wanted. Phayu did not resist. This was the consequence of his actions and if it meant him taking a beating for nearly a quarter of his life to get Rain, he would do it. Mr Type hit him again. This time on his stomach. Phayu could feel the burning sensation of this horrendous hit but he did nothing. Several others came after but he stood firm. He was bleeding badly and purple marks filled his skin but he didn't budge. Mr Type looked at him worried
" Won't you get up? Won't you fight back? Are you just going to take the beatings?"
" I wouldnt mind as far as I can know where Rain is and beg him myself, the pains mean nothing."
" Do you know how much he suffered and endured only to end up with nothing. I thought you were deserving of him. No other man stood a chance and you did this to him. The person that trusted you the most and wanted only the best for you. Do you think you deserve him? Now that you're here...
Phayu gasped at the instruction he was given

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