I need to know more

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Phayu was shaking in the alleyway. He squatted down. He was finding it really difficult to breathe. He took off his shirt and held his neck. He felt suffocated. He needed someone to get him at once and Rain was the only person that came to mind at the time. Rain who was already driving home took a detour and went to where Phayu was. He noticed he had vomited so he hurriedly carried him away from there. He took him home took off his shirt and began to pat his back. His heaving continued and Rain got absolutely terrified. He considered taking him to the hospital but it didn't look like that was what he needed. Rain could hear him whisper something so he rushed and placed his ear to hear. Phayu said in a very low tone " call Sky.... Please call Sky." He laid down on his back and held his chest. Rain rushed to get his phone from the car and called Sky
"Rain, have you heard from him?"
" He wants you."
" What? Why?"
" He's rolling on the floor barely able to breath and..." Sky didn't even let him finish, he just said " I'm on my way." He cut the call and instantly went to Prapai who was changing to go to bed.
" Take me to Phayu's house now! It's really important!" There was no need for Sky to explain further as he sprinted to where his keys were and held Sky by the hand as they left the apartment. Sky never did it but he was actually biting his fingers. Prapai looked over him at several intervals. Sky didn't utter a word the whole drive to the house. Immediately they arrived, he came out of the car and rushed to the sitting room where Phayu was. Seeing him, Sky froze a bit then moved in closer to access the situation. He squatted in a sitting position and began to pat Phayu's back. He did this for a long time. Rain and Prapai watched helplessly as their men were intertwined in an embrace. To everyone's bewilderment, he began to get better. He was able to breath now. Sky signaled for Prapai to come and they carried him into the room. Rain felt like an outsider. He was hurt but bit his lower lip to avoid saying anything that might hurt them all. Sky caressed his hand into Phayu's hair till he fell asleep. It was almost automatic. Rain followed from behind and saw this. He was indeed heart broken. It just felt painful. He was the one who brought him but now he was giving him up. Rain went downstairs placed his hand on his head . He was feeling useless. This was supposed to be a time for them to get to know each other better at least get to his heart but obviously he couldn't shake the fact that sky was actually there. It didn't look good one bit because the deep secrets to Phayu, only Sky actually knew. Prapai's countenance looked different. He looked like he was trying to hide the facts that he was exploding inside he was jealous, really jealous stop. Rain known to being very outspoken did not skip a beat as he said "he obviously did not need me just you. I'll permit it, you can sleep in his bed tonight." The urge to slap rain was strong. Sky looked at Prapai and he looked the same. What used to be normal for Sky didn't look so normal now as they both were in serious relationships. Rain's reaction was justified but he worded it horribly. Sky had to say something or else they'll be a bigger misunderstanding
" He loves you, but he's just so used to being this vulnerable to me because I'm... No was the only person he related with for a very long time. I know his secrets, his discomforts and all, and you'll know them pretty soon if you're patient and not trying to kill him ever so often."  That was a cheap shot from Sky warranting looks from both rain and Prapai
"If you weren't so fixated on keeping him as your number one obviously I would have known a lot more than you."
"Rain, are we seriously arguing about Phayu? I thought you'll be more matured than this. Let me break it down for you. He met his brother today and to cut the long story short, just be there for him. He's not my man or anything more than a friend to me."
Sky didn't even wait to hear Rain's reply he said " P'Pai, when you're done,I'll be in the car." Sky stormed off. Rain's anger was justified. The thought of being with someone and unable to get through to their thought process was indeed crushing. Sky related a bit to his predicament but he had Pai so it was close to impossible to be in the dark about anything.
Rain just stood there. He didn't want to cry but the tears had other plans as they fell uncontrollably on his face. Pai went close to him and gave him a hug.
" P'Pai, I'm truly tired. I don't understand him, he doesn't understand me so why are we even together?"
" Rain just give him time, he'll be more open with time."
" Ouch... Something got into my eye."
" Let me see." Pai raised his hands to check the eye. Sky noticed they had taken so much time so he returned and caught them. He didn't say anything and left to the car. There was an explanation, there always is an explanation. Sky got off the car and got a taxi that took him straight to his home. He turned on the lights and went upstairs. He felt his heart beat faster and with each passing second it was torture. Seeing what he saw meant nothing because it was Prapai. But realizing what it meant changed things for him, before he could completely come off it and go back to the house, he felt the front gate creak open. He stood up and sneakily went to the back of the door. He heard a gun  shot towards the room and he changed position
" It's good to know you're still alive Top Point. At least I'll get the opportunity to fight you."
Sky knew that voice oh so well and seeing he was unarmed would really spell danger for him.
" If killing the top point makes me the top point, I'll take my chances."

Prapai went to the car and noticed Sky was gone, getting out of the car, a gun was pointed to the back of his head. " Move." The man said as he got into the house with two other persons following. Rain was in the living room and did not escape the ambush.
" How fun would it be to kill the two of you in one night. Love is a fleeting emotion, because they love you,they are willing to move anything for you. I won't take that. Today I get my Top Points back without the both of you in the picture. YOUR LOVE MAKES THEM WEAK.".

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