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Payu let him. He wasn't going to question this kid and it was already strange for him. He just wanted this to be over and done with. He hated physical touch. And here he was allowing himself to be touched.  When they eventually got to his house.  Rain's eyes were closed so Payu had to tap him by the shoulder and said " we've arrived." Rain opened his eyes and saw where he was resting on. He took his time and Payu had to tap him a couple more times before he lifted his head from his shoulder. He didn't drink a drop at the party, but needed to act. He had no reason for wanting to do so but he just did. So he almost fell over in the car and Payu had to hold him by the shoulder and take him inside. He was so gentle as he put one hand on Rain's waist for support Rain paused for a moment and said drunkenly " for a cold blooded killer, you're pretty chill with me." Payu replied " I can be anything you want as long as I get paid well. Rain chuckled
" I did pay a lot though." As they got into the mansion,  Payu had to let go of Rain who immediately stopped being tipsy as he was pretending and said "  You're just perfect for me. I need a friend. You fit the bill, so I picked you, few things you should know though. I have a line, you cross it and we never talk again. Is that clear." Payu was even more confused now, he didn't know how to behave or react to all of the things coming out from Rain's mouth. He replied by saying " you need a guard and that is what I'll be to you."
" what if I want more, huh... what if I want a lot more..."
Payu just looked at him perplexed
"We just met!"
"We could be much more though, don't you think." Payu took this as childish nonsense and was about to leave when Rain planted a kiss on his cheek and said " you don't have to like it, it's just my way of saying thank you." He flipped his hair and walked up the stairs. Rain was obviously a nut job. Payu felt chills down his spine.be laughed it off and squeezed his hands in a fist, he was going to punch this kid. He held himself back by just an inch. It was already awkward to begin with, now this kid was crossing his boundaries. There was a limit. He hated getting touched. Was it because he was sold off to him for a year? Was he going to deal with this for a year?This was pure stupidity in the highest, as he got to the door  Rain's voice could be heard, it was loud and clear that he was talking to him. " I OWN YOU NOW!" This pissed Payu more as he shouted back " YOU'RE NOT MY TYPE." He got outside and punched a tree in the compound. Taytie had gone too far with this.

" Who the hell are you?"
" The one who will put you on check. I'm your new secretary. I know it's sudden but we will work really great together." Prapai was really confused looking at the man in front of him. He looked quite handsome but that wasn't going to be what he was going for. He needed to be sure. He stormed off to his father's office.
" dad, what's this? You changed the secretary." Prapai didn't read the room. It was a conference. His father looked at him and at the other people at the table.
"Can we have this conversation later, as you can see I'm quite busy."
"Dad, you can't do this, that secretary has been really helpful and really..."
" I said later. Get accustomed to your new secretary. I'll brief you in on everything later so give it a rest." Pai bowed and left still very upset. Looking at Sky made him even more angry. He frowned and let out a sigh. Sky looked at him unbothered. Standing by the door of his office. He had been called earlier and told to quit but Sky snared at him and pressed his phone instead. Prapai felt insulted but Sky didn't say a word. This was not his plan for his retirement and what made it worse wss the fact that he was babying a grown man who looked like he was going to make his life miserable, seeing Prapai, he preferred fifty missions over him.
An hour later his father came in and saw Sky standing. He motioned for him to sit down and turned to his son who started by blatantly disrespecting Sky by saying " this good for nothing is who you brought to be my secretary."
"If you don't shut up,  I'll shut your mouth for you!"
" Dad, you speak to me like that because of this piece of trash? Have we lost our prestige." Sky was just watching the drama unfold not even bothered by what was going on. All he knew was this kid was going to be problematic for him and his dad hasn't even mentioned the living conditions yet.
"Well this piece of trash will be staying with you. This piece of trash would be my ears in and out and will follow you everywhere. If he's not there, you won't be allowed to go."
"Dad, you're giving more permission to this man than to me. Who is he even."
" You think I won't take measures, you've humiliated me with your rash and unreasonable actions.
"Dad, I'm sorry but isn't this too far?"
"At least I'm hundred percent sure that you won't end up sleeping with this one." Sky laughed at this he wasn't expecting such a comment. Sky gave Pai the side eye. When his father left, it was just the both of them left. Sky let out a laugh it was so loud that Pai had to look at him in shock. "I wasn't going to take this seriously just do a little bit here and there and be done but now I will make sure that I watch you closely. The best part of everything is that you can't get rid of me for the life of you. So I want you to sit back and enjoy the ride." Sky walked out. Pai didn't see any of this coming. He was not expecting anything whatsoever.
Sky on the other hand knew this man would cause him some problems and drag him everywhere.

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