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Pai didn't even know where to look. He called the pilot and asked if he was the one who took Sky to the hospital. The pilot denied it and told him of how he just heard that Sky was dead and hoped Pai was okay. He then said
" Why would you let a little argument turn to something so big that you left your partner somewhere else because you were angry." Pai couldn't even talk back. He had messed up big time and he knew it. There was no redeeming anything. He fell to his knees. After some time he got into his car and drove to their association to see Taytie, he was so sure that there was an explanation to all of this. On getting to his office he saw the place in a big mess. Everyone running helter skelter. It was a mess. He was a mess that needed answers. He went into the boss's office to find out what was going on. He noticed it was thrown ajar and Taytie was answering and slapping a couple of people who were on their knees.
" I sent you there to test them, not completely kill them!"
" But boss we took some pretty bad kicks to our bodies too."
" But did you notice that none of your injuries were fatal because they didn't plan to harm you. But you, what did you do? YOU STABBED SKY IN THE BACK! THAT'S HIGHLY UNACCEPTABLE!"
" I ...we thought he was putting on his bulletproof vest as it seemed what he was wearing looked thick but I didn't expect  he would actually get hurt"
" Did he say anything? Mention anything?" Taytie asked
" I really don't remember but when the knife went in, he held my back shoulder and muttered the name Pai. He must have really even in his hurt state cared about that person. That was all I remember before he knocked me out cold."
" Why are there only two of you what happened to the remaining two?"
" They are in critical conditions sir. Marc and Tony can't even get up. It was a bad idea going after them sir. I was so confident but encountering them made me realize they really live up to their names."
" After he mentioned my name, did he say anything else." Pai who had been by the door listening to their conversation finally opened it to reveal his presence. His eyes were bloodshot. Being behind the door and hearing everything unfold made him really sad. Sky loved him. There was no cheating, they were just protecting him and Rain and because of his jealousy and rage had reacted more than expected. His lover was in real danger and that was because of him. Pai crumbled to his knees.

When the incident between Pai and Rain occurred, his mind was set at a target. No one was deserving of his love and his partners proved him right time and time again. Every single one of the wanted something. It was always a transaction. One wanted to be his secretary. The other wanted a fancy jewellery. One just wanted to show everyone that he had a handsome man by his side. So he accepted to go everywhere with her. She flaunted him. Pai got bored almost immediately and stopped going. It was fun for him but exhausting too. When Sky stepped into his office for the first time after saving him for the goons at the club. He asked him " what's your price?"
Sky looked at Pai dumbfounded because he knew that this idiot actually thought he could buy him.
" I have one."
" I know you do."
" If you stay far away from me for the longest time, maybe I'll be able to get some work done around here. Deal?"
Pai had no response for this and Sky smiled at him and walked away. Pai folded his fist in determination. After this he tried so many times to get Sky to notice him, but each time he failed woefully. Sky was really unattainable. When they started getting familiar with each other without any strings attached. Pai knew that Sky was truly a gem in disguise. He couldn't tell when but there was a day in his office. They had both worked late in the night. They planned to get coffee but Sky missed up the order and they got tequila instead. Pai had insisted that they should not drink it so they can still be effective as they worked but they played Rock paper scissors or Pai lost so they ended up getting glasses and downed the drink. Pai who was supposed to go home kept Sky company instead. They both argued about who was drunk between the two. This argument spanned a very long time before they both conceded.
Sky smiled. Pai stared at him. Sky was a fine man in Pai's eyes but today he was looking really irresistible good. The thought of grabbing him and making him his clouded Pai's mind. He was on the safe side so he didn't do anything on this regard but nothing stopped him from saying it
" Have I told you that you look like you were carved by the gods?"
" I've heard a lot of compliments in my day but this is entirely new . Where do you get your pickup lines? Google?"
" No, I got it from looking at you."
" You're impossible, you know that right?"
" Yes, I became a force you needed to reckon with . You can't shake me off so you're stuck with me like glue"
" I hate you hahaha."
" That's how it's meant to be."
" We became people who were stuck together. I hate you guts but getting to know you changed my perspective."
" Sky?"
" Mmmmm
" Can I ask you something?"
" If it involves something stupid I'm not answering."
" It doesn't. But it's that how you see me?"
" Go ahead I'm listening."
" If... Like if, in a million years because I doubt it will happen in my lifetime but if you fell for me, how would you treat me?"
" Why do you want to know this? "
" I want to be able to sleep at night Sky and this question keeps going round in my head. "
" It give you sleepless nights?"
" Yes and please don't tease me."
" Fine, I won't. So saying I hypothetically fell in love with you. Emphasis on the hypothetically. I will love you like I own you. The first gun I have..."
" Gun?" Pai chuckled.
" I'm making an illustration."
" Go on." Pai sat up to hear him. They were both sitted opposite each other on the floor. The drink was between the two of them
" I hold onto it like it means the most to me. I take it to missions that I know seem impossible. Sometimes I don't use it but I carry it knowing that I feel safe with it. That's the way I love. You already teased me about my love for Payu,but I fell for him because he was reliable. Going forward, that's just how I love."
"Is there any hope you'll love me so I'll experience this?"
"Hypothetically, time will tell."
Pai thought about his statement only now. It struck him. Sky wouldn't his heart to anyone just like that. He would hold on. Sky loved him but now it was just too late. He let his blue Sky be blown away by his dark wind.

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