Curve Ball

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Payu went into the room with Rain still sound asleep. He freshened up and got dressed. He looked at the cute man laying on the bed and bit his lower lip. He initially took a curve ball and got him drunk just to avoid them doing anything but now he was absolutely regretting it, seeing Rain the way he was, his head was empty and he was fighting so many emotions  all at once. The desire to bite him, to claim him to keep him. He sat on the chair facing the bed. His hair covered his face. Rain was so handsome, it was unfair to look this good for anybody. Payu left the chair and went to the bed. He sat on the bed just staring. He gentle removed the hair on Rain's face. Payu could feel an uncontrolled budge in his boxers. Rain would kill him unknowingly tonight without having to do anything. He closed his eyes and turned away. Rain moved he froze. He didn't want him to see him struggling but it really wasn't his fault. Rain was the one who decided to look this hot. He scratched his head. Rain looked at him. He could probably hear the internal monologue going on cause he saw the frustration written all over his face. He sat up and looked at Payu.
" So what's wrong?" Payu turned and looked at him stunned, he wasn't expecting him to wake up so soon.
" Nothing, I... I was just watching you."
" Can't believe how such a handsome man is beside you right. I can't believe it either, sometimes I look at myself and wonder how I could be this cute."
" Narcissistic much?"
" Yes, that's why you're obsessed isn't it?"
" What makes you think I'm obsessed?"
Rain didn't even say anything any gave Payu a surprise kiss on the lips and pulled away.
" I'm a bit worried though." At his point Payu was barely in his right frame of mind and replied.
" I think if I do more that this I might end up messed up today."
" Can we not go anywhere today then." Rain looked at Payu's eyes. The lighting was quite dim in the room but he could see Payu's dilated pupils of absolute desire. He was sure there was nothing going through his head at that moment just him. Rain gently placed his hand on his chin " Phi, what's on your mind? You look so lost."
"YOU! Just you!" Restraint lost the war as he asked " Do you want it too?" Rain who thought he could control felt his heart beat skip. He has always wanted Payu but maybe it was the environment or something in the air but it just felt so right to do it now and he nodded with his eyes on him. Rain closed his eyes. Payu with a cheeky smile placed his hands behind his head. They were both sitting on the bed as he whispered " I hope the walls hear you tonight." Rain laughed at this but internally screamed. The island was perfect. And he built the room pretty solid so... Slurp his ear got licked and his head became empty immediately, his eyes rolled backward. Payu took him like a case study, to see where he reacted the most for utmost satisfaction. He slowly went to the nape of his neck and sucked it down. Rain relaxed. He could feel his heart slow down and his entire senses awaken. Payu lifted him and placed him on the bed properly and took off the blanket pushing it to the ground. He had eye contact with Rain and his eyes examined his entire body. Rain wasn't one to feel shy about anything thing but this time he was. Payu didn't spare any angle. He looked like his eyes were a camera taking photographic images. He held his waist with his singlet and took it to his hands area with him laying there. On getting to his hands, Rain raised them expecting Payu to take it off with his hands but he stopped raising it to over his eyes with his hands still lifted. He put Rain's hands over his right hand like a cuff and dug in his stomach with his tongue. Rain could feel a lighting go through his entire body. He lifted his legs but Payu was already on top so he couldn't flail them much. Payu went on to suck and lick and Rain moved almost on command with each touch. It was a losing battle. Payu raised. His head " I haven't even started."
" I didn't say anything I...Ah...." That was his nipple getting bitten. At this point he had lost all control of his senses. His eyes remained closed so he couldn't guess where the touch would come to next. " Can we just..." Rain got kissed and he reciprocated.
He was turned on at this point. Payu let his hands go and he held the back of his head and kissed him. Payu removed the blindfold.
" Now I'll let you see me do this to you." Rainkeot quiet. Anytime he spoke he was shut up with something shocking so he knew talking would be useless.
Payu took off his boxers slowly. Rain could feel his mouth water. Payu played with him using his hands and Rain felt utmost ecstacy.
" Can I come in?"
" At this point, I don't think you need permission." Rain's Lust filled eyes were a sight to behold. His legs shaking as they were well spread and elevated. Payu felt his entire body tingle. He wanted this too and this was the first person he was actually willing to do it with, there was no second guessing nothing holding him back. He let out a soft moan then realized " I can't go in raw, you'll get really hurt."
" Fine." Rain said as he lifted his pillow to reveal a condom and lubricant to Payu's amazement.
" How long has that been there?"
" I planned to fuck you anyway so I came prepared."
" Now I'm second guessing."
" Should I close my legs or..."
" Of course not!" Payu slid it on and used his hands to apply the lube into Rain's hole causing him much pleasure and a satisfied look from Payu. This was a much better. He didn't go in immediately but fondled with Rain's a bit. The moans was music to his ear.  He knew exactly what to do with it as both hands held it, not too gentle and not too rough, he
knew exactly where to put pressure on it. He knew how to
rub it, the tip of his fingertips moved back and forth at the
edge, creating a tingling sensation which spread all over his
body.  He played with other parts of his body before inserting letting out a loud moan. And so did Rain. The room could not contain them as it kept going for a while.
Their satisfied heaving echoed through the room as beads of sweat was seen on their faces. They relaxed on the bed and turned  to each other laughing heartily. Rain put his hand over his mouth. He was flushed but still looked pretty. He couldn't believe what he just did with his crush soon to be boyfriend but at this moment he was very content. If this was what he was going to be getting then it was worth it. He wanted to be with him for real this time and not because of anything but because he genuinely liked him.

Sky was also fighting his own battles in the room. Pai's hand on his waist and a much needed explanation as to why he was naked.
" If you wanted to touch yourself, I would have given you a much needed hand."
" That's not why, the weather was hot at night so I needed to take off my clothes.
" Sky, the AC is on, you should be freezing by now if not for the blanket."
" Your body temperature and mine are different."
" Should we be on the same temperature?"
" No, I'll go wear my shorts now. Close your eyes."
" No, close them for me."
" P'Pai!
"... Tee rak, you're really not helping me."

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