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"more what?" Pai asked curiously
" More amazing, sweeter and human."
" What makes you think I'm not those things and more?"
" Clearly you aren't"
It was beginning to look like seethed beef between the two
" Do you have a problem with me?"
" No, I just have a problem with you dating my friend."
"Why? You knew he liked you, you turned him down coldly without a proper explanation and now he looks happy, you suspect me?" This made Payu keep quiet. He wasn't expecting Pai to drop the bomb like that without restraint.
" It's nothing like that."
" I can't promise you anything. I know you're worried about your friend but I won't hurt him. I know my words don't hold ground now at all to you, but I'll do my best."
"Pai, it's not that at all..."
" Then what is it?"
" I needed someone with a strong mind for him. He has been through the most and has suffered a lot. Relationship wise he's inexperienced and unsure of so many things having experienced everything wrongly. He.... He... Just protect him that's all I ask of you.
" You have my word." Pai said with a certain confidence. He was relieved as  Payu was talking from a place of concern not love so it didn't get awkward. They sat there for some time and got to know each other better. Payu on listening to Pai realised how rich he actually was and didn't have any fear that Sky will be well taken care of.
" Now we are talking and being open, why did you fall for Rain?"
" Simple, he's true to his feelings."
" Does he know?"
" Know what?"
" What you do for a living?"
" Did Sky tell you?"
" Yes he did. It was unintentional but I had a lot of questions and a lot of things didn't add up. Do the both of you do the same thing?"
" Yes we do and he knows a bit about it."
" That's good then at least he'll be able to differentiate a lot of things. I think we can stop this conversation now at he loves you and you love him."
" Sure." They both fell silent. There was an underlying meaning. There was impending danger and Payu needed to the close to Rain. They were both really unsafe but he was worth protecting. They had been there for sometime before they both stood up and said at the same time.
" Let's go get them."

" Thank you, I'll return we already have visitors." It was the impatient Pai and Payu who were following them from behind. They both looked at their watches and were sure it was not up to the time allotted so why were they here? Sky and Rain couldn't help but laugh
" So you couldn't give us a few more minutes converse?" Rain asked
" No, I missed you." Pai said shamelessly.
" And besides it's really not safe." Payu said
" I'm here though." Sky said looking at Payu with a disgusted face " you can't beat me either, so I'm pretty sure Rain is very safe."
" I just want him to be more safe with me."
" What am I? A piece of paper?"
Sky asked snidely.
" He's much more than that, he's mine and mine alone!" Pai made a bolt statement that made everyone even Payu who wanted to say something keep quiet
" Ahemmmm..." Sky cleared his throat facing Pai, he walked close to him and looked him in the eyes
" Are you actually trying to be possessive right now?"
" If that's how you see it, then that's how it is." Sky's head dropped. He couldn't raise it again as he felt his rosy cheeks and ears would give him away. He covered his ears with both hands. Before he did, Pai had seen it already and he smiled to himself.
" It's okay, can we just go back to our rooms? Besides, it's meant to be a vacation, if the both of you want to bicker, just count me out Rain can we..." Payu said.
" Sure let's return." Rain said
" Much better." To each his own as they walked back to their hotel rooms. Pai and Sky didn't quite follow immediately because Sky was thinking of a reason to get his mind off what was going through it.
" Can we take our time returning back?"
" Sure." Pai didn't even question him. He put his hand in his and they walked together. They were heading towards their room before Sky decided to turn them around and they  continued walking. It took a long time before Sky opened his mouth.
" Do you have anything that you want to know about me?"
" Like what?"
" Anything. Anything you want me to tell you."
" Yes I do. Why are you so handsome?"
Sky let out a laugh
" It's true, no one has captivated me the way you do."
"Well... I don't know, if I did I'll let you know." Sky played along.
They enjoyed their walk till they returned back to their room.
Sky could feel his heart beat out of his chest. It was unusual to feel this way especially since he was the one turning guys down but here he was feeling unsure. He looked at Pai walk into the bathroom and shut the door and he held his chest as if to release air " Sky, this isn't you. Why are you acting like a love sick puppy. Man up Sky, man up." He heard the door open slightly and his heart pounded again. It wasn't something new to him but why was he feeling this way?
When Pai came out, he rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Pai had earlier observed the uneasiness but decided he won't let Sky be uncomfortable. When Sky came out he saw Pai with a pillow arranging the couch.
" Why?" Sky asked in bewilderment
" I really don't want you to feel uncomfortable. We've never actually slept on the same bed before so I  understand your concerns. I'll just be over there not disturbing you."
" You're not."
"I know I am, I noticed the cold palm and waiving eyes."
" Pai, it's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's just new to me?"
" New? How?"
" It was always about information. The information I had to offer or give. Who's interested in it and how to get it out of the person. So I had to sleep with the consciousness that I am on a mission. It was never about nothing, ever. And now you're here telling me it's nothing. I just got a bit skeptical that's all."
Pai smiled" I'm glad, I'm glad that's all it is and nothing else."
" So can we sleep together now."
"Sure. Sky I know what I'm about to say might sound ridiculous but can we not fuck?"
" Huh...?"
" I want you to get comfortable around me before we do."
" What makes you think I want to do it with you anyway."
" If you don't want to, I do and it's eating be up. The thought of devouring you and having you all to myself. It's enticing but definitely not to the detriment of what we have."
" So sleeping it is."
" And also..."
" There's more?"
" Yes... Can I call you mine?"

Happy val to you all. Hope you watched the love sea intro.

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