Thin Line between More than Friends and lovers 2

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Payu had no idea what he was going to say. He liked the revelation so much. Didn't think he would and held Rain by the cheeks. Rain got up and stood just inches beside Payu. Payu wanted to take his hands off but Rain held his wrists as if to say keep it, I like it there. Payu smiled at him and said
" Prove it."
" Prove what?"
" I'm giving you two weeks, I'll do whatever you want, just show me you actually like me enough."
" Can I strip you naked now?"
" Too early, take baby steps first." They both smiled. There was an underlying fear within Payu. He felt he needed to tell Sky himself.

Sky finished from grocery shopping and went straight to the office. He called for Pai who was in a meeting. Pai apologized and told everyone that something urgent came up and he needed to leave immediately ending the meeting abruptly. Sky stood by the car and opened the passenger seat. Pai who was on the first floor did not even take up to ten minutes before he got to where Sky was. Sky motioned for him to enter the car,  Pai just froze looking at Sky happily " I'm sorry I left the way I did. I had something important to get to."
" I thought you left because of..."
" That small matter, no way. Get in. I want to cook for you." Pai did not need to be told twice as he hopped in. He had no idea how significant this was for Sky as he got in the passenger seat. Sky could feel a wall break down in his heart. He ignored it as doing something really significant for a friend. On entering to drive. His heart pounded. He was only going to cook so why was his body betraying him like so? As he drove, he took his time hoping that they got to his house late so Pai would have no excuse than to sleep over. Why did he find this man's company so enjoyable? He noticed that all through the car ride, Pai didn't let his eyes off him for a second. They were like censors watching him closely. Sky could feel them, he momentarily looked and caught his gaze several times. He could no longer take it and asked " What? What's the matter?"
" You are, you're my problem. How could you abandon me for so long, not considering my feelings or anything?"
" I was busy, I had a mission to execute."
" At my expense?"
" How do you mean?" Sky was fighting the urge to look at him and still focus on the road. The latter was chosen as the needed to survive.
"Park the car!" Pai said with so much authority. Sky didn't because they were already approaching his house. If Pai was to vent, his place was the perfect place to do so. He sped up till they got yo his front porch. Sky stepped down. He went to unlock the door and instructed Pai "get the groceries please." He threw the keys at him. Pai thinking he would vent, found himself at the mercy of Sky. He did as he was told and got inside. When he dropped the groceries in the kitchen he turned back to look at Sky who was anticipating what he was going to say.
" Tell it to me straight."
" Where were you? I really looked for you everywhere."
" I can't tell you where I was because it's confidential. But I was fine and..."
" And what? Do you know how worried I was? I was really losing it searching for you everywhere." Sky bent his head like a child getting scolded. He didn't even know how he would react. All of these seemed so strange to him, the genuine affection. He liked it, but couldn't say he did. Looking at Pai who was fuming, he felt loved.
" Okay, I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise. I'll tell you where I go from now on." Pai pouted. For a grown adult, he behaved childish sometimes.  This was when it dawned on Pai that he was actually in Sky's house. For a mere secretary, he made him feel some type of way inside. It was the dependence on him. " Do you want anything as you wait?" Sky asked
" Yes I do.'
" What?"
"Your undivided attention." Sky cooked and listen to Pai's rant about everything that happened while he was away chipping in one or two, if you were here to further reiterate his importance. Sky couldn't help but smile at his utter difficult life. He couldn't bring himself to tell him his. How he had to kill several people because of an extraction mission. How he compromises his values daily and the only place he could be himself was with Pai as he saw the real him. There was so much baggage he had but he knew it would be difficult to tell him even half of it. He'd probably run away he thought as they ate quietly looking at each other.
He never admitted it but deep down he wanted Pai, maybe because of the warmth he felt or because he was beginning to get used to him, he just couldn't pinpoint the right words to say. Pai was also falling. His dad had sent Sky to monitor him and keep him in check. He had been in check since he knew Sky and for some reason wanted to remain in check. He couldn't bring himself to go out as he used to because he found Sky quite entertaining.
They clinked their glasses as Sky drank the wine he had bought at the grocery store.
" I really find your company quite interesting." Pai admitted to Sky who froze a bit
" Really?"
" I didn't really like you very much when we first met. I thought you came to monitor me and I didn't like it."
" And now?"
" Now, you're bearable."
" How dare you.... Hahaha"
" Sky?"
" Can you not go missing again? It stressed me a lot."
" I won't"
" Even if you don't tell me, just let me know you're leaving and won't be around for a while so I won't worry this much."
" Yes sir!"
" I'm not one to get attached but Sky, I'm somehow attached to you. I can't call it love or anything like that but I really want you to be around me."
" That's kinda sweet."
" Don't make it weird. I need to go now."
" Its already too late."
" I can still go."
" What if you get attacked."
" I'll call you at once." Pai got up and dropped the glass. He turned to leave. Sky had no idea what he was going to do. He looked at Pai whose back was turned against him he bit his lower lip  panicking at what to do next. He got up " Stay... I need you to stay tonight." Pai turned to look at the man who wanted him to stay in his house. He wasn't leaving because he wanted to go but his entire being wanted to stay and he knew if he did, he might end up doing something to Sky. How voice became husky as he said
" If I remain here, I've restrained for so long. I don't think I will this time."
" I... I didn't ask you to." Sky walked up to him. He saw his ears turn red as a tomato. " Please me.

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