Love is fleeting.

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It was seemingly impossible to escape this. Phayu was incapacitated because of fear, Sky on the other hand shouted from behind the door " I don't bite if you leave me alone. I'm glad you know I'm a top point, I hope you also know that I am giving you ten seconds to stay alive. Time starts now... Ten... five...four...three... two....two and a half... I'm merciful like that... Two and three quarters... You aren't leaving?" Sky hit the back of the door which opened up a compartment. He picked up two guns. Cracked his neck and faced the person who broke in. He wasn't going to kill him in his apartment. No way, he was going to lure him out. So he made a loud noise by hitting the table in the sitting room and went out through the window. The lights were turned off so he went through the fence. His movements were so swift that even the person chasing him lost track of him briefly several times. But Sky wanted to be followed, wanted to be seen. He smiled to himself. When they had gotten far away from the house. He was sure these people had not alerted headquarters because they would have been called back by now. Hoping for glory and fame and with the hopes of killing the top point. Sky got into a taxi and it zoomed off. He was going to Phayu's house. The attack was premeditated so that would easily be a target. He called for backup, Gun. Gun could hear the uneasiness in Sky's voice and in no time he showed up. " What's up?" He asked concerned.
" I think some busy bodies are trying to get us killed."
" And is the Almighty Sky afraid of said people?"
" Of course not" Sky said cocking his gun.
" But it's another case of..."
" If what?'
"Prapai is involved ..."
" That's an entirely different turf."
" Why?"
" Just because..." Sky entered the house and saw the man pointing a gun at both Prapai and Rain. He lost his composure a bit but regained it and pointed the gun at the person. Sky had delicate features as he was the definition of a cute boy, pale skin and all round introvert. A person who didn't know him would assume he couldn't hurt a fly. But watching him now, with the gun in his hand when an appetite to end the person in front of him Prapai was indeed in awe. His entire focus which was on the man holding a gun was changed instantly to Sky. He was so confident. Sky won't let him get killed or put in real danger. That was how much he trusted him now. He learnt his lesson and wasn't going to believe anything he heard.
" P'Pai, aren't you afraid of dying?" Sky asked him disregarding the man with the gun
" With you here? Even if I get shot twenty times, I'm sure I can't die, cause you won't let it happen."
" P'Pai, you're really confident."
" When I know what my boyfriend can do. Of course I'll be."
Sky smiled at this. It was time to end this madness
" Drop the gun and I won't splatter your brains all over the floor. Payu just changed them and it would be unfair if he had to change them again."
" Who do you..." Sky shot him on the hand. Gun shot the one holding a gun to Rain on his neck. It was obvious he was going to die soon. He laid on the ground writhing in pain. He was shouting even. Sky looked at both of them and said
" You don't even raise a candle close to us so don't think the outcome would be any different." The one he was running from could though. He was incredibly agile and vast with weapons. Which means if the case was switched, he would have indeed killed them both. He breathed a sigh of relief as the ambulance arrived. They explained vaguely what had happened as both were in a heated battle and shot themselves. They were taken away.
Sky looked at his boyfriend and gave him a hug that warmed Pai from the inside.
" Should we go inside?"Pai asked
" I think we should go home. Rain has a lot to talk to Phayu about and I feel he might call for me soon. So I'll let them be." They both took a detour and went to Gun's house. It was a really exhausting day and his house was closer. Sky knew moving forward with Prapai it might not be as easy as it is now but he was content. He was majorly worried about the fact that he constantly was getting into problems but for some reason, Pai made it bearable. He wasn't so lonely anymore. Pai was there. He was only going to give up when it becomes unbearable for Pai.

Rain got a towel and bucket and cleaned the floor of the blood. When he was done. He tried standing but struggled to so he just knelt down beside the centre table. He had a lot of thoughts going through his head. Was this the life I wanted. Was phayu really worth all of this. He didn't even look me in the eye when he relapsed. Like nothing happened Sky and Pai talked and comforted each other. I was scared too, terrified even , what if I had died, would he still be sleeping and unable to save me?
Rain's heart was broken as he went upstairs and saw Payu who was seated up just staring blankly at nothing. Rain looked at him and was boiling inside

" You are a heartless bastard P'Phayu and I'm done with all of this. I can't be afraid for my life and not know what to expect next from the man I sleep with."

Rain tried to walk away but Phayu held him back and gave him a hug.
" I'm so sorry Rain I don't know what I did but give me time to fix it. I'll come back to you please stay by my side.

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