How it Affects Us 2

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" I think I threw the best thing away. Do you think he'll ever forgive me?" Rain asked
" I was never mad in the first place, just disappointed that you'll think I'll pick someone else over you. That will never happen. I wished things were different. I wish I had met you as a regular person not one who was fighting so many forces to survive." Payu replied. He wasn't angry not one bit
Rain whose head was dangling settled it on Payu's shoulder. The vibe was different. The person in the car, he seemed familiar to him. The smell and aura, he didn't need a prophet to guess. As the ride kept going, Rain had  already sobered up but didn't stop acting like he was drunk. He knew it was Payu at this juncture but he dared not pretend like he knew who he was. He kept the facade up. Curiosity got the best out of him and he finally said still pretending to be drunk
" I heard he cheated on me, do you think he did?" Rain still did some drunken gestures flailing his hands up in the air. Payu held both arms
" I will never. Sky is actually fighting for his life in the hospital and I needed to protect you. I'm a bit selfish though. I was supposed to stay away from you but here I am like a lost puppy back to it's owner who doesn't want me. Sad reality. I'll make sure you never see me again but just for tonight let me still act as your lover." Rain heard this and smiled. He let his body rest comfortably on Payu's broad shoulders. It was just briefly as he didn't want his cover blown. Payu held his hands. When they got to his house he still pretended to stagger and was held by the waist by Payu. Payu didn't even bother asking him for his keys. From his pocket, he brought out two keys, one for the main house and the other for the gate. Rain had given it to him one day as a token of his desires to want to be with Payu on the long run. There was nothing to hide between them. This singular gesture was what solidified their relationship. It was small but meaningful to Payu. Inside, he noticed the decorations had changed. It was now warm like he was expecting a guest the color schemes and drapes were changed to a lighter tone. The beige colored furnitures were changed. The house had truly become a home. Empty spaces were filled with decorations and the house no longer echoed. A maid passed by and saw this sight in front of her, Payu holding onto Rain and wanted to give them some privacy but was stopped by Payu " good evening phi, why did they change the house so much? He asked.
" Uhmmm...." She confirmed to see if Rain was sleeping before she spoke
" Because of you Sir. Sir Rain had instructed us to change the furniture and everything that made the house seem dull, into one that was much more livelier. He said you were coming back home to live with him and you didn't like how dull the house looked." She said
" I just told him that without a thought."
" But that became the thought that filled his heart. Unintentionally sir, you changed him."
" Please don't tell him I came okay. We are going through something, I just brought him home to be safe." She nodded her head in agreement and left. Payu took Rain into the room to let him rest. The room was changed as well. Payu couldn't help but smile. It was his favourite colour. He didn't tell Rain this but probably from his observation he learnt it. He took notes, he observed him. Payu let his emotions overwhelm him and kissed a sleeping Rain. Patted his head and promised that going forward things will be better. Payu shut the door to the house and as he was leaving, Pai came in. He didn't see him. Payu frantically searched for a place to hide and stuck with behind the stairs. The maid came in and greeted Pai. She went upstairs to call Rain and in no time he was down. There was a kick to his steps.
" What happened? You seem kind of joyful." Pai said
" My heart is a bit at peace. What's up?"
" It's Sky. I have to find him."
" I heard he's in the hospital." Pai stood up perplexed
" How did you hear and from who?"
" I just... Know."
" Which hospital?"
" Pai, I'm... I'm really sorry about what I did."
" Rain I really don't care about that I need to see him." Pai said. Just then Payu came out from his hiding place and spoke
" And why should I let you see him?"
Rain who thought he has gone was stunned to find him.
" You're still here?" Rain asked surprised to Pai's dismay.
" You're still here what does that suppose to ... That doesn't matter, where is Sky?"
" Safe, Sky is safe and I can't let you see him. I'm sorry." Pai went up to Payu. Payu who was expecting a slap or a punch had raised his fists but Pai had bent his knees. His hands in front of him.
I know, I'm like the worst person that deserves to know where he is, you'll protect him and keep him safe. But I'm really desperate Payu. The way you were desperate enough to come to Rain even if you didn't know how he was going to react. I'm a desperate man looking for the love of my life. Please don't deprive me of him. I will do anything, anything you ask."
" Pai, it's not like I can't let you see him. I'm worried about any whistle blowers. I told everyone he's dead. Someone might follow you and."Pai didn't even let him finish
" You can blindfold me, I don't care but just let me see him. I know I can't, no I don't deserve to be forgiven. Payu please I beg you. My life ended some minutes ago and you came and gave me hope, my heart beats and lungs beathes again please don't take this from me. I beg you please." Pai was crying. Rain took a step back. He couldn't believe his eyes. Pai bowed to no one let alone kneeling. Pai never cried for anyone to see. Even during his ex's funeral he kept his composure but here he was revealing all the emotions that he had stored inside. All for Sky. Rain looked at Payu and said. " He loves him, I'm sure. Let him see Sky."

They waited till it was very dark before they moved out. On getting to the hospital, It was quite a busy place as they needed to hide that Sky was there and what other way than a busy hospital. It was the most sought after hospital. Payu took them into the elevator
" You might not like the reception you get so take it the way it comes." Immediately they got out and headed to the room, Gun saw Pai. His countenance changed and without a second thought he rushed towards Pai and punched him. He would have kicked him if Payu didn't hold him back
" Get lost. You are the last Person Sky would want to see. The worst one yet. Sky chose you and you shattered his everything. You don't deserve to see him for the rest of your life! " Gun was really serious about his threat.
Sky and him had been friends for the longest time and anything that happened he was aware. When he fell in love with Pai they celebrated with drinks, but Sky's happiness was what nearly pushed him to his death. So there was no way he was letting him pass. Pai could feel the hurt in Gun's voice
" I'm sorry."
" Sky is too good for you. He wouldn't even let anyone into his heart but you. And this is how you repay him. Pai you won't see Sky today."
Just then the doctors came running screaming " his blood pressure is dropping." They all turned around to see doctors running into the room. Something was wrong with Sky. Pai asked
" How bad was it?" Pai asked ..
Gun replied
" He was stabbed from the back close to his heart but he wanted to see you more than the pain." He kept silent...... They all did.


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