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Sky and Payu went to a nearby cafe and sat down. They didn't speak for a while as they were both shocked by what had earlier transpired.
"Do you think it's a coincidence?" Payu asked
" What?"
" The fact that they both know each other and are very familiar?".
"Yes. It really is a big coincidence. But let's be frank there is never a coincidence. They both knew each other, we both know each other and they have an underlying past. What are the chances of that?"
" None! Taytie never makes mistakes and this one is too big a grave mistake." Payu and Sky left and went to their company. Taytie saw the both of them and had a wide grin on his face
" I'm so glad to see you both."
" How do Pai and Rain know each other and don't give us a cock and bull story!" Sky said looking straight into his eyes. Taytie felt the uneasiness and told everyone in listening distance to leave. He walked to his door and shut it. Now it was very obvious that something was wrong
" Tell us, who are they?"
" Well, It's a long story. But all I can tell you is that they are your last mission. Further information will be given in due time but for now just think of how you'll get close to them, get intimate with them, make them fall in love with you if need be, its nothing to you." Sky felt his heart drop. He was not one to feel dejected but this struck a chord in his heart. He couldn't explain it. He couldn't show any emotion or show how he felt, that would be detrimental so he kept his face the same way and said nothing. Payu didn't quite mind. He just kept being logical with everything. He wanted this to be over and done quickly.
" Do your best on this and I promise I'll let everything go."
" You promised that once this is over, you'll let us find our parents, we did all of this with the hope that we will see them again."
" And you shall, just look after those two precious men... Now would you look at the time? You have to return."

Pai stayed silent watching Rain's theatrics. He was not smiling either. Rain eventually stood up and said
"We have to work on this project together and after this we're done. I know you hate my face and my guts but this is all you've got. I'm not perfect, I'm flawed and I really messed you up in the head. I admit I've treated you pretty badly over the years and  at some point I went over board. But you know you deserved it."
"Pai, I deserved it I know. I lost you and that was the worst punishment you could give me. I lost both a friend and a partner in one day but it was necessary. I hope you understand."
" Now you're justified being an asshole isn't it?"
" Pai, I hope one day you'll know I did it for your own good."
" And by the way things turned out it was clear it wasn't for my good because I was wrecked on everyside."
" And you think I wasn't either. I'm pretty sure this has been the most we've spoken in years."
Pai felt too overwhelmed with everything and walked out of the office. Leaving a distraught Rain there. Rain picked up his phone and called his emergency number which was Payu " Meet me at Ardival... I need a friend today." Payu left Sky at the center and rushed out.
" What are you waiting for? I think that's your cue as well."
" You're going to mess with us big time aren't you?"
" No! I would never do that to my soldiers"
" I'm pretty sure you killed a lot of us didn't you?"
" That was in the past, I'm a changed man."
" You do know that that boy you gave to Payu, looks exactly like the boy he killed first. And anytime he looks at him, he remembers?"
" Well, that was just a coincid...."
" Coincidence, you and I know that it's impossible, you said it yourself when we first joined, everything is deliberate!"
" Don't you have somewhere to be?"
" Khun Taytie, you have our utmost respect but if you step on us..."
" What will you do? Tell me? I made you, all of you. You're nothing and you remain nothing until I say so. Don't you dare forget it. You can never bite the hand that feeds you."
Peat looked at this man, he was done at this point. He was not only going to bite his hand but remove the hand entirely. He bowed and turned to leave. He muttered under his breath
" We'll see about that!"
All they went through was enough for him to fight for his life and his friends.
He received a call as well and hurried back to the office. He saw Pai chugging alcohol like it was his office. He looked around and could tell that he has called him after having two or more bottles so he drunk dialled him.
" Was I his emergency line." Sky quickly shook this thought off. He needed to help the man on the floor.

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