Duty or Love?

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Payu was given a truck to get to the place the plane was. He couldn't even think straight as the person who was driving could see how frantic he was. So many thoughts flooded his mind
What if Sky does? How will he face his parents when he eventually meets them or how would he live without Sky no longer by his side. On getting to the airport. The plane was about to leave. Payu stood in front of it and was given passage inside. Rain looked at him hoping he was here for him but he turned to Payu and said
" I need the master key to your bathroom, it's really urgent." Pai didn't even ask what happened as he was so uninterested. He gave the key nonchalantly and said " waybill it back to me. I never want to see your face either. The fact that you're shamelessly wanting to move into the same room with Sky just goes to prove how disgusting and twarted you both are." Payu turned to look at Rain who evaded his gaze. His eyes were red and puffy. Payu was in a hurry so he didn't see any need explaining himself. It was a race against time. He got off the plane and the pilot got upset seeing him leave. He was going to return later but he felt disappointed. Payu rushed back in and noticed a crowd had gathered trying to know the door down. The room was beginning to flood now and water was shut in the whole floor just because they were scared that he really had died inside. He opened the door with the key and noticed Sky was already drowning. He rushed him and got him out with the help of two other persons. The waiter who had been fired watched this sight in front of him, he couldn't believe what was happening and didn't think his little actions could go this far. He was very well mistaken as he plopped to the ground watching them give Sky CPR. The medic came in and seeing the case turned around as he was really not expecting it to be this bad. Sky regained consciousness for a brief moment causing Payu to breathe a sigh of relief " why, why didn't you tell me you were hurt from the fight huh... Why didn't you? I would have protected you." Sky's eyes shut and the medic was called upon. They needed to take him to the clinic which was pretty far away. Pressure was applied on the wound to stop the bleeding. He needed to rest on his side and Payu placed his head on his lap comfortably. The thought of losing his life long friend greatly outweighed the feeling of losing the love of his life at the moment. Sky mattered, he mattered a lot. The road was bumpy to the hospital and when they eventually arrived it was already late in the afternoon. Payu carried him out of the vehicle and into a stretcher.  Immediately the doctor saw him. He looked at the person that brought him and took him aside. " I don't think we can save him here. We are lacking a lot of equipments and he needs to be transported immediately. We can only do a little bit here but you have to take him to a bigger hospital in Bangkok or he would.."
" Don't say it doc, please don't say it. Just do the best you can. The plane would take us to the hospital soon." The doctor did the little he could so Sky could be safe for flying. Payu had to call for a favor from Gun but didn't tell him what was going on because he was sure he would panic hearing the state of Sky. His specialty was aerial operations and he was very good at flying. He easily got a helicopter and flew it to Sky. It took about an hour plus on the air but he arrived. Seeing Sky, he was going to break down but held himself as he knew he needed to get to the destination first and be brave. In no time they were up in the air. Gun had to calm his mind down as the state of his friend scared him. They landed at the top of a hospital and Sky was taken in for surgery. Payu narrated everything and promised to return back to the hospital after he went to meet Taytie. He had earlier told the people at the hotel that when the pilot came to get them, they should let him bring their luggages back and he would get them later.
Payu went to the highrise building. He was going to do something he vowed never to do. He got into the meeting room. Taytie was surprised but reacted indifferently
" You're still alive? I thought my men ended you. You were pretty defiant so what makes you think I'll let you go scot free?"
" Khun Taytie, you win. Sky is in critical condition, so I came here for a cease fire, call off your goons and we'll keep working for you. I don't know how much Sky and I can take before we die for real." This was not something he was familiar with. Sky losing a battled. So Taytie found it odd
" Sky lost? How?"
" He got stabbed in the back and refused to treat it."
" He really wanted to die this time,. what happened the man he was fighting for broke his heart? Hahahaha."
" You win anyway any how so...m" Payu got down on his knees.
" Give us six months and we'll be back working for you. We'll give up the men, we'll also give up finding our family. Just let us be. Anywhere you want us to go, after Sky is better we'll go." Taytie laughed heartily. He had gotten what he wanted.
"Fine." Payu stood up and left he gritted his teeth to the thought that he was going to be serving Taytie again. He would never truly be free until he was dead and this broke him into pieces.
He ran back to the hospital and Sky was still in the ICU. He told Gun all that had transpired between the both of them and Taytie. Gun chuckled. It was not the kind that was from a place of happiness, but on from a very dark and tormented place. He was going to make them pay and the best way he did it . He left the hospital after Sky left the ICU. He called Pai.
" I don't have much words to tell you, but Sky's dead and you killed him." He removed his sim card and switched of the phone. Pai was going to live with that information.
Pai called the hotel back and they narrated what had happened. When he told them that he heard Sky was dead and he needed confirmation they just said " looking at his condition, when he left, I didn't even think he would make it."

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