Thin Line between More than Friends and lovers.

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Payu looked at Rain. For some reason he looked hurt. Whatever was happening was not his business so why?
" Why did you say that?"
" Its just a fact, you're clearly in love with him."
" First of all, he's my best friend and secondly are you jealous?"
Rain scoffed " jealous of him? Why should I be? We are both servant and master."
" Then you won't be offended when I say I'll be spending more time with him from today, we have a lot to catch up on."
" Go ahead, it's great even. I'll have alone time for myself."
" Never knew you wanted to get rid of me so desperately. So you won't have a problem then. I'll be outside."
Payu left to get water to drink, Rain folded his fist, he could feel his blood boil, he had a lot to say earlier but kept calm so as not to offend Payu. The more calm he kept the more angrier he got inside. He got a bottle of water and drank trying to faze off the feeling but nothing worked. He needed to explode and to no one just Payu. He opened his fridge and got out a bottle of wine. He gobbled it down like it was water. He needed the liquid courage to say his mind. After some time Payu came back in.
" Sorry, I needed to sort something out with reception I..." He looked at the change in Rain's demeanor. He was obviously pissed. The alcohol could be smelt from a mile away. Payu approached him. How eyes waiving. They looked heavy and tired. He grabbed him and tried to get him to the couch to rest
" Why did you drink?"
" I needed to say my mind you asshole, you completely ignore my feelings and everything about me?"
" Okay drunk, lets get you to bed."
" Unhand me! You're going to listen. I hate it, I hate it very much!"
" What do you hate?" Payu spoke in a calm voice but Rain sounded like he wanted to pick a fight. Payu took it like it was the alcohol talking.
" I hate the way you talk about Sky, the way you look at him. If we were both drowning, I'm pretty sure you'll pick him over me." Payu non hesitantly answered
" That's not true. I'll choose you."  Rain's heart flustered " Why  me? I thought Sky's closer to you?"
" He swims better than I do, I'd even prefer he saved you instead." Rain's heart sank. " You're really one difficult nut to crack. Payu, read my lips... I kinda like you. There I said it. I hate the way I feel but I can't help it. I wish I could but I can't. You turn me on in ways that I can't physically explain. I hate it, I hate it so much that I want you inside me. Doing things to me that sound illegal." Rain stumbled out of the office. Payu couldn't believe what he was hearing at all. It was long after working hours so only a few persons were in the office. He got into the elevator, motioning for Payu to leave him alone but Payu followed closely. He didn't even answer him. Rain had just poured out his heart and Payu was silent. Although it was on the influence of alcohol. Payu took him home, stayed with him acting out his antics. He made him eat and take a bath. He didn't leave the house. He slept on the sofa in his room. He wanted to hear him say it, sober. Was it because he felt the same way or because it was alien to him. Sky told him and he felt nothing but here he was wanting to know, wanting to be sure. He was acting desperate. Did he feel the same way? Do I actually want to know? Payu had these thoughts as he tried to sleep. Any little sound woke him up as he had been so alert all his life it was strange to be relaxed.
Rain fell asleep really soon and so did he. The very next morning Payu was up staring at a sleeping Rain. He admired his physical features. It was clear why he was a player. Knowing he looked like what he did anyone would try to test as much waters as possible because he was gorgeous. His jet black hair fell to his face. Payu removed it to reveal his forehead. He couldn't help it. Rain was just different. He had been with his friends but this was the one he was most intrigued in. His life was different and unique and it made him want to stay right from the very moment they met. It had been a lot of months but here they were still trying to know each other better. Rain wiggled and woke up. He saw Payu looking directly at him. He could not help but get shy. He tucked his head under the pillow. Payu removed it.
" Tell me to my face, not behind the pretence of alcohol."
" What are you talking about, I just woke up and I was drunk."
" I'm pretty sure you drunk for that reason alone so tell me your mind."
" Payu just forget it."
" How do I? You just blurted it out and expect me to not think about it?"
" Yes, yes I do. I expect you to take it as nothing, the way we've always done. Its nothing and should remain a drunken man's thought out loud."
" I'm glad. You do know you said a lot of things but I guess the one you said to me has stuck. "
" Payu can we not?"
" I won't push again. I'm done." Payu turned to leave
" I do like you, I hate that I feel this way. It kept growing the more you stay by my side. I'm a man with a lot of baggage and I won't like your second love to be with someone like me."
"How do you know I had a first love?"
" I just do. And I trust it was too painful. " Payu took a step back. It truly hit home. They both were trying to survive. Payu looked directly at Rain " how do you think you'll be any different."
" I'll try to live." Payu froze up, not the answer he was expecting but it was strangely reassuring. He looked at the beautiful Rain who looked even better up close.
" I might be the wrongest person but let me be with you."

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