Coming home

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Rain stood up, looked him head to toe and walked in the other direction to the street. He was clearly not ready for any drama involving Phayu and as he walked he muttered " you feel you can just come out of the blues, flash me a smile and I'll be head over heels in love with you. Never again!"
He hailed a cab and got in with his luggage. He saw Phayu follow him chasing the cab but he was adamant. His father had put him in a difficult position. He was sure Phayu had bribed his way to get what he wanted. Rain hisesd and ended up in a hotel. He went in and made his reservation but he couldn't get a good room because it was out so he settled for a smaller room instead. Anything to stay away from Phayu. That was a huge mistake because that night, he felt like he was being monitored and followed. He couldn't quite explain it but it just seemed so off. He wasn't comfortable enough taking off his clothes. It got worse when he started hearing noises from the walls. Rain stood up and got his bag. On heading to the door, he could hear whispers of people. They were about two persons waiting to get access into his room and he was sure they were going to rob him. He picked up his cell phone and called Phayu. He didn't talk much, just gave his location and asked Phayu to come and find him. Phayu did not take more than thirty minutes and ge was already at Rain's door. Rain was frantic till he heard his voice. On getting inside, Rain ran to him and hugged him
" I know I sounded paranoid on the phone but I was sure I was being watched. I don't know how but"
" You're not." Phayu turned off the lights and easily pointed to Rain where the cameras were. Phayu smiled and waved at the camera to signal that he knew what they were doing. The person behind the camera shook a bit. It was the first time he was called to order. Phayu picked up Rain's bag and took him to the house. He called the police station and made a complaint after he left.

Sky was finally done with his missions. For almost a year he was out and about finishing all Taytie couldn't handle. He was exhausted but he knew returning would be detrimental. He did what he had to do and even burdened himself with other missions just so he could be unavailable to return. Eventually, he was done with everything. There was no excuse anymore to stay back and he needed to return to Thailand. He got in quietly. As much as he fought his mind and his body he couldn't resist. He went to the cafe shop across Prapai's office. He would wear sunglasses as if it could shield him from Pai. He noticed he walked alone most of the time with a sad expression on his face. He didn't need a soothsayer to tell him that it was his fault. Pai looked slimmer. He was not the boisterous person he remembered. Soon, he was close to a particular lady. Sky noticed he walked with her after work regularly and was smiling now. He has observed him. It initially started with days, that changed to weeks. He bought a coffee when he came in and sometimes even bought for the sales person so she made sure to reserve a seat for him. With each passing day they walked together. Sky felt Pai slip away from him. His longing and desires fell short. He did it all to protect him but right now, he looked like he really was at a loss for words. The thought Was it really worth it?" Plagued him continuously as he left the cafe to his new apartment. It was much more spacious than his former home and with no memories. His old house had been sold by him to sell the illusion that he was gone for good and never to return. Pai bought it. Pai was hurt but he had no other choice than to move on. He saw himself drinking to stupor and causing a nuisance at his work place. Sky made a decision in all of this and called Taytie. He cried making the call but he felt at the time it was the best decision. He spoke to Gun who just started a new relationship with a man called Off. They were both so sweet together. The day Sky visited, Off was around. He prepared the meal they were to eat and just looked taken by Sky. Sky was your definition of a one look man. You look at him once and you'll be so drawn you couldn't look at anyone else again. Off couldn't help himself. He stared and stared. At some point he had to say it out loud " you're a different kind of handsome." Sky laughed at this. He got this complement regularly but none topped the one Pai gave him. " You're so handsome I have to pinch myself daily to make sure you're really in my bed.
Gun didn't see anything bad with off staying while he told him his plan but Sky was really uncomfortable so Gun asked him to go to the other room. Off took a picture and sent it to Pai's sister.
" Is he the one you're looking for?"
" I think so.
" Well, he's back."
" Good, keep up the good work. I'll keep working from my end."
Sky sat looking up at the ceiling before he spoke
" I'm so happy for Pai. He's moved on."
" I guess you were that forgettable."
" Gun..."
"What do you want me to say? No, you're not, you're perfect for him?
Let's not forget you left him after a very steamy night, so I'm sure he's using all his will power to forget you. And for him to get you to react like this, then it's working 100%."
" Aren't you supposed to be on my side?"
" Sky, I love you. I absolutely adore you. But I'm going to have to be team Prapai here. He didn't just love you, he worshipped you. He made some mistakes along the way but don't we all. It wasn't enough for you to leave him so high and dry."
" It was the best way to protect him.
" And did he ask for that? Did he ask you to go to the lengths you did to keep him safe?"
" Gun why are you against me?"
" Sky, you're my best friend and I have to tell you as it is. Admit the fact, you fumbled the bag with Pai and now getting him back would mean you crawling on your knees for him. Are you sure you're ready for that commitment?"
" Yes I am."
" Fine. In an hour time go to Premier bar. I'm giving you an hour because he gets very wasted by then."

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