Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana

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Nirvana is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven.


I bop my head listening to Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. I love music so don't be surprised if you hear me listening to any genre.
I sit in my room thinking something's wrong or out of place. My brother has been checking on Phori and I almost everyday but my sister has not. That's weird. Ever since my sperm donor and the crypt keeper showed up, this feeling got worse.

"Hey baby, when you wanna go back to school ?" I shrug my shoulders rubbing her scalp. Yesterday I did her hair. She told me to keep cutting until she said stop. So child!! My baby bald head y'all. Naww I'm just kidding her hair is very short now though and she chose the color blue to dye it. And she looks so beautiful.

"Ion know but let's get dressed so we can go to therapy." She forced me to go. Actually I promised I will go for her. But she convinced me to go for myself and we'll support each other.

"So hi Niecey, how are you today?"

"I'm good Miss. Stacey surprisingly." She nods her head writing in her notepad.

"So you ran out our last visit, why ?" I shake my head regretting this.

"Ion know." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm not gonna force you but keeping this all in will have you in these visits longer than anticipated." Nodding my head my nose flares in distress.

"No, I wasn't sexually assaulted !" I say in a monotone voice.

"Hmm. So what happened when you were twelve for you to go mute ?" I sigh wanting to leave. Looking up at the clock I realize it's only been 5 minutes.

"Nothing I was with my cousins and aunties and I slept over that's about it."

"I won't force it out of you but I can tell you're lying. Why are you here today ?"

"THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! Alright!! And I'm here to better myself." She shakes her head.

"I didn't say they did Niecey and you're only telling me what you want me to hear." I shake my head feeling frustrated.

"They didn't touch me. I went mute because I didn't like anyone to talk to them."



"Hi Euphoria, how are you doing today ?"

"I'm great actually, these visits help me cope. But on the other hand I feel sad for my girlfriend she's not doing so great. I can feel it." I reply.

"Hm. I'm happy you're doing better since your attack. But why do you feel she's not great ? And how is your pregnancy going ?" I shake my head feeling tears.

"Umm, she's back quiet, she's not like that with me or my family or some of her family members. She's a coping addict so I watch her closely to make sure she doesn't slip. She actually told me when I was in the hospital she self harmed and took again. I was so heartbroken. And my pregnancy is going ok I'll found out the gender in a couple of months." She nods her head staring at me.

"Euphoria you seem like a great person but this therapy is for YOU. I see you're caring but we're here to talk about you. And how to better you as a person." I nod my head taking this in then scrunching up my face.

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