Too much? Yeah.

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After this embarrassing moment I just wanna lay up with my teddy bear "Freddy" and my guinea pig listening to Steve Lacey. Realizing I didn't take my medicine this morning I stop and turn to Euphoria who was taking in the school.

"Sorry I forgot to take my medicine this morning, the class is right there if you wanna go in I'm gonna be back." She shakes her head as she grabs my hand. I felt a tingly wave in my hand I just thought that's what it's like to have a new friend.

"I'm glad you mentioned it because I have to drop off my medicine." She smiles softly as I notice she had one dimple on her left side, it was so pretty.

"Umm so I never really had a friend before, and since you saw me cry, I guess you have been promoted, you are now one of my elite employees or best friend." She giggles and hands me her purple iPhone 14 indicating to put my number in.

"Yeah I get a good vibe from you, no fakeness so I would be glad to be your best friend and also put your number in ma." I smile and this realizing she called me 'ma' I felt this unfamiliar feeling in my lower region. I grab the phone and put my number in as "Niecey👋🏾✌️🫰🏼🫶🏼🤗😜😍🖤🌸🧚🏼‍♂️" She giggles as she shakes her head when she saw the name. I raise my eyebrow wondering what was funny.

"Why so many emojis friend?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. I shrug my shoulders grabbing her hand as I drag her to the nurses station.

Walking to nurses station hand in hand I knock on the door. Nurse Smith smiles at me and pulls me in a tight hug. For some reason I got along with staff members but not so much the students. They either didn't notice me or followed up with Jaliyah but I ain't sweating it. Hugging back she guides me to her desk opening up her drawer filled medicine looking for mine.

"One Prozac coming right up, here you g- oh hi honey what's your name?"

Walking to the water dispenser I take the pill and swallow it with the cup of water. Walking back to Nurse Smith interrupting her conversation with Phori, yeah I gave her nick name so what? I open my mouth letting her inspect my mouth and under my tongue to see if I swallowed the pill due to my past of hiding them under my tongue or overdosing from taking too much.

"Good to go darling, now just wait while I write you too some passes." Nodding our heads we say quick 'thank yous' walking to our next class.

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