Too Sweet by Hozier

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November 1st


      Waking up tossing and turning I feel a pair of plump lips kissing my naked inner thighs. Looking confused I lift the cover to see my baby dragging her tongue up my thighs to my treasure. Moaning her name I grab her head  full of locs pushing her farther in my treasure. Hearing sucking noises I look down into her eyes as she sucks my clit.

Feeling a familiar feeling I try to run only to have my legs locked in place. Feeling her fingers fucking me faster I cream all over fingers. Removing her fingers she puts her tongue in my entrance sucking my juices from my hole. SMH, this girl about to make me go crazy she ain't ever leaving. TILL DEATH DO US PART. 🤞🏽

If you are wondering today is a school day but our parents let us stay home because of the party. Today I recommended we do something Niecey is interested in. She recommended Barnes & Noble's, Starbucks, and go karting. I'm not gonna lie that all sounds fun.

Kissing her head I tell her goodbye so I can leave for my house to get ready for our date I'm so excited. Pouting she folds her arms not wanting me to go, I smack her ass getting a whimper in return, I lean down to whisper 'Don't be a brat. I'll be back' in her ear. Pulling me in for another hug she kisses my jaw I then turn to exit the two story home to get ready for our date as I said before I'm so excited. Now that I think about it who would've thought I would be dominate ?



' Damn volleyball and basketball works for her, she hits hard as hell' I thought rubbing my sore ass cheek. I walk into the bathroom to do my routine and freshen up.

After doing my skincare and dental hygiene I head in my room to find an outfit to wear for today I'm so happy. Pulling out my black two piece set from SHEIN, it consisted of a black oversized t-shirt with the words 'It's ok to not be ok, just be yourself ' in two shades of pink on it, black biker shorts, black and pink graphic socks, and my pink Valentine's Day Jordan's. I grab my black head scarf to pair with it and stare at the outfit before me on my neatly made bed. Now that's a fit, for sure you right on. 👌

After moisturizing my body and putting on deodorant I slip on my undergarments then put on my outfit. Looking in the mirror I can't help but to smile at myself, Phori has really made me be happy with myself. She's my better half and my best friend.

Putting my locs I recently took down from its style in a ponytail and a bang, I then wrap my black headscarf around in a cute style. Sliding on my glasses I put on my jewelry and hair accessories to complete the look. I must say I look and feel nice. Spraying on my perfume I then grab my pink coach purse and head downstairs to mess with my mother.



Entering the house I sneak in not because ion wanna get caught, I don't, it's just I didn't have any clothes so I'm wearing Niecey's clothes she let me borrow, it smells just like her and I also have to cover these big ass hickey's and bite marks on my neck. Sneaking up the creaky stairs I finally made it to my room. Only to be met with my mother folding clothes on my bed. Sighing I shake my head knowing I'm about to be caught. My mother turns around shaking her head smirking.

"You must've had a great time at the party last night seeing a vampire done experimented on you." She snickers saying the last part. Embarrassing isn't even the word right now.

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