Drama (feat. Drake) by Roy Woods

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November 23rd
Thanksgiving Day


Today is Thanksgiving Day and I'm tired because I helped my mom make a few dishes last night. She kept popping my hand when I kept trying to sneak food. Ms. Terry also cooked majority of the food so my mom didn't have to make much. My baby called me telling me she made a new dessert for dinner tonight. Just for me. I smiled just thinking about her baking. That girl can cook and bake her ass off. She even let me try a few of her pescatarian dishes and it was so good.

Checking the time I see it is now 11:46 am, the dinner starts at 2:00 pm so I have time to check on my baby. We fell asleep on the phone last night sleeping peacefully. Getting up I shower and do my routines. My baby picked our outfits on FaceTime last night and we decided to coordinate. Moisturizing my body, I then put on my deodorant next. I slip on my outfit which consists of a white sweater, khaki jeans, beige heeled boots, and a khaki fedora. My baby recommended we dress a Fall like theme so I took her advice. Grabbing my accessories I slip them on then spraying my Forever Red from Bath and Body Works on my clothes. Liking my outfit I grab my bag heading downstairs to wait for my family.

My mom thought it would be great to ride together in my dad's Escalade. That's means I have to endure smart comments, farts, and my brothers fighting the whole time. I didn't put up a fight though because we've all been doing our own things and I think it would be a great idea to spend some time with my siblings.

I retract those last statements. These motherfuckers ruined my whole day. Kai and Eli were fighting the whole time. And King was talking dirty to his girlfriend the whole ride. Even though we're a few blocks away from baby's house, it felt like forever. Exiting the car I immediately rush into the house leaving everyone behind.

"Aye, how you gon leave us to bring this stuff in by ourselves?" My dad literally complains about everything. Like nigga you literally carrying a tiny pan of angel eggs.

"Man you have sons ask them. And plus I have to go see my baby." I pushed him out the way heading upstairs.

" Wait ! I'm coming too, let me see my best friend." I shake my head holding my arm out to stop him.

"Ummm, no , no thank you at that, I'm going to go see MY GIRLFRIEND stay downstairs and help mom." He smacks my hand walking off. His ole petty ass. Like go spend time with your wife dude.

Entering her room I shut the door quietly leaning on it. My breathing stops as I see my baby bending over twerking to Fuck It Up by Dj Telly Tellz. Shaking my head I walk behind her jiggling her booty. " BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW, that's the booty meat. AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE, look at MY booty cheeks." I scream while humping her booty. She turns around clutching her chest in shock. I must admit I'm a bad influence on her because my sweet girl was not doing this before meeting me.

" Baby you can't be scaring me like that. I almost had a heart attack." She gets on her tippy toes pecking my lips. Not satisfied I pull her in deepening the kiss making sure our tongues wrestle. Fighting for dominance she wins this time allowing her tongue to explore my mouth. Moaning I pull back leading her towards her bed.

Laying her on the bed I open her legs pulling them around my waist. Grabbing her neck I reach down kissing her lips grinding on her honey. Moaning she pulls away gripping the back of my neck. Rolling my hips faster I roll my thumb around her clit. Hearing a throat clear we turn around faces heated from the sudden intrusion. I see a tall brownskin teenager with locs scratching his neck. "Ummm, hi, mom says the food is ready come downstairs." He walks out shutting the door.

"Damn my brother just saw us grinding on each other." She shakes her head placing me on the bed proceeding to walk downstairs. I'm so embarrassed how many family members gon catch us ?



I head downstairs in the kitchen seeing my mother hugging my big head ass brother. Clearing my throat I walk over hugging them both tightly. "You a horny freaky fuck. You know that right ?" I shake my head at my brother whispering to me. I push his shoulder walking to the fridge grabbing one of my smoothies. Hearing footsteps I see my queen standing rubbing her arms up and down due to nervousness. "Umm hi, I'm Euphoria, your sister's girlfriend I'm so sorry you had to see that."

Holding out her hand he grabs it pulling her into a hug. His big ass is squeezing my girlfriend! I pull them apart seeing Euphoria smiling. She loves meeting my family, cause she says she sees my personality in each person. She met my sister over FaceTime one day by being nosy, and she also met my grandparents on my dad side. My grandmother absolutely loved her and gave her a palm reading. I loved seeing her get along with some of my family members but then there's the rest of them. The assholes.

"No you're fine, I can clearly see you were being seducted by my chipmunk looking ass sister." He says smirking at his response.

"Hey dumbass, that's not a real word and mind your little kiddie business." I push his forehead running out the kitchen before he can catch me. I honestly miss my siblings, I miss being around them everyday. But wait, if my brother is here that means my dad is also here. Awww hell, here comes the DRAMA.

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