I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston

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All I have to say is this whole chapter is a warning!! I'm telling you now so if not comfortable with certain things don't READ!!

"Tiimmy, Tiimmy, Tiimmy Turner
He was wishin' for a burner
To kill everybody walkin' "

March 8th


Today is my last basketball game. I'm so excited because this can determine if I can play ball in college. I shower and get ready for school this morning. Walking out of the shower I smile hearing the shower in the camera. She's been making sure I take my medicine lately, I honestly don't mind I just want her happy. I pack my game clothes and kiss the camera. I love this girl.

Arriving at school I see my girlfriend sitting down in the space next to her. What the hell ? "Baby get the fuck out of the street !!" She gets up running to her passenger side grabbing her things. Why the fuck is she sitting on the ground ?

"Well baby, it technically wasn't the street and I had to stop people from getting your space." I shake my head at this girl.
"What if they just ran you over ? I was honestly thinking about it." I say rubbing my neck. She clutches her chest in shock. She then smacks the back of my neck running to her class. She forgot we have the same block. Smh.

"You gon stop playing with me ?" I ask fingering her. "Uggh baby I'm sorry! We have to go to classss!" While she ran I caught up to her short ass dragging her to the nearest storage closet. "Uht uht one more time and imma let you go." Her legs shake in pleasure as her eyes roll back. She squirts out clear liquid dropping to the floor. I squat down leaning her head up by her chin checking her neck. Damn I was being too rough. Her neck had a hand mark around it surrounded by hickeys. Let me go so I can clean this girl up.

Walking to class I side eye her seeing her do the walk of shame. I shake my head looking down to see her clutch my hand as if I would ever leave her. She's been off somewhat today but I'll ask her later.

Walking into class 20 minutes late, the teacher shakes his head telling us to go to our seats. My baby sits in her seat taking stuff out to take notes. Pulling her chair closer I grab her chin kissing her lips softly. "PDA! Kingsley and Brown!" I shake my head pulling away. This teacher always ruin the mood.



I sit in my last block feeling something tug on my heart. My grandmother always told me if you feel something wrong believe it. I sigh feeling this teacher talk my head off. What is wrong with me ? The last time I felt this way was a sleepover at my cousins house when I was twelve. What's going on ?



"She has a game tonight so I'll do it then." I whisper into my office phone.

"Good just don't hurt her. Scare her a bit and make sure you don't get caught!" I shake my head hearing this the 5th time today.

"Ok just have my money ready." I hang up the phone pinching my nose. What have I gotten myself into this time ? I need a drink.


5 pm


I get ready for my game feeling a weird feeling in my chest. I clutch my chest in pain feeling a weird sensation. "Ahh!" My teammates run over checking on me. "I'm fine guys just a little heartburn." They nod their heads returning to get ready for the game. What's wrong ?

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