I Wait for You by alex_g_offline

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Saturday November 11th
9:37 am


I wake up feeling a wet spot between my legs. Removing the covers I see a puddle of blood on the sheets. I lean up holding Niecey confused, my period doesn't start until next week. Did it come early ? I don't feel cramps not even a slight one so that means.

"Baby wake up, wake up baby you're bleeding."

Rubbing her eyes she holds her belly in pain. Looking down she sees the blood puddle everywhere. She looks at my thighs seeing the blood smear on my panties. Silently crying she runs to the bathroom throwing up her last meal. I get up to change her sheets then wash the stained ones.

I hope she knows it's normal and she shouldn't feel embarrassed about something natural. But then it got on me so I know she's quite embarrassed, after changing her sheets I fed Midnight and held her for a while. Snapped out my trance I hear whimpers escape from her bathroom. Let me go comfort my girl.

Opening the door I walk to the shower to see her grasping her stomach sitting on the shower floor.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby. I should've known better. I won't do it again."

I shake my head in confusion because why is she apologizing for something natural ? What happened for her to do this ? She suddenly turns to look at me staring at the blood stains on me crying harder. I take off my clothes and enter the shower sitting behind her. Rubbing her belly I feel the hot water rain down us. I kiss her neck leaning my head against the shower wall.

"Baby it's natural, I get periods, your mom gets periods, my mom gets periods it happens ok ? I'm not sweating it I've had people's blood on me before. But why did you go into panic mode ? Did something happen ?" Wiping her eyes she lays her head on my shoulder sighing feeling the cramps slowly go away.

"When I was twelve my dad used to live with us. They never married but we all stayed together as a happy family. One day I was twelve and I was sitting on our brown recliner couch reading a book. I felt these mind numbing pains in my stomach, but I didn't know what was going on. I called for my mom but she was at work. My dad was laid off around that time so he came downstairs and saw me in pain. I saw him roll his eyes asking me what happened. When he couldn't get a response in time due to me being in pain he yelled at me. I cried when he slung me off the couch seeing the blood stain. He yelled at me then told me I couldn't leave my room for three days because I was nasty. He eventually forgot he told me not to leave my room and forgot to feed me. Those were the worst seven days of my life. No one noticed because I'm a home body so they figured I just wanted my space. I blamed my mom but then I realized she was working making sure everything was in order. My dad was a sports recruiter he got laid off one day and I guess he took it out on me. My sister found me laying in my blood unconscious, so she took me to the hospital and they told her I was there due to not having nourishment. They called my mom and she held me crying. I remember not being able to sleep, so my mom made this ritual when I fell asleep to watch over me every night, she still does. I forgive my dad but everyday I worry for my brother. He tries to give me money to make me forget how bad he treated me but I can't forget."

"Baby you didn't deserve that, you can't help your body. We all go through these things. I got your back. I'm sorry you went through that and I'm not mad at you. Lean back so I can wash you up."

She leans back as I wash her body. I grab her loofah washing her up three times. She has a habit of washing her body three or more times. She doesn't feel clean if it's anything less. Opening her legs I wash between her thighs seeing the blood travel down the drain. She starts crying again seeing the blood flow down the tub. I kiss her cheek washing her private parts with Dove sensitive body wash. Wiping her tears I proceed to wash her throughly I then get out to grab her towel so she can lay down.

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