[53.1] THE FIGURE (part-one)

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As my arm shifts off my eyes, they open precisely at 4:00 am and not a moment later.

Refreshed after shutting off, the chaos in my head silenced for a few hours, I rise, rolling my shoulders.

I stretch lightly, my bare feet touching the floors, adjusting my bottoms as I walk.

Drawing the curtains open, my arms fold as I gaze out into the darkness of the Fang Court.

The air is fresh, cool against my skin.

The Estate sprawls farther than the eye can reach, lit strategically for a remarkable ambiance.

Silence envelops for it is the prime hour of the day.

I observe the tranquility, securing my hair up meticulously in a bun, gaze ascending to the starry sky, remaining solitary.

After a pause, I move away, opening the door.

My footsteps echo softly against the tiled hallway floors, stopping at the Human's door.


Her soft breathing and the stillness of her mind indicate deep sleep. Something Humans are quite capable of. Sleeping and formulating dreams.

Passing by, the lights flicker on as I move to the shelves, taking out the chess game fully fledged. I place it on the counter, my gaze trailing over each pawn, and fixing them in place in a straight form.

I halt when my eyes catch sight of the Silver bag left on the floor.

Approaching it, I lift it by the top handle. Upon examination, it feels surprisingly light.

I am well aware of women's penchant for clothing. I see it all around me with the ladies of the court, Syria and even Lady Elise's extravagant style. Knowing this? I find it hard to believe this is all there is, even for a human.

Yet, it's all she planned to escape with.

Not much, but I suppose it is understandable if one is on the run and has the strength of a human. Packing light would be an advantageous.

Moving with the bag, I shift towards the counter, placing it there. Reaching for the zipper, I draw it open, immediately greeted by the scent of the human pocketed with her belongings.

It's not entirely different from any other human scent, yet there's a distinct warmth to it, if one could describe it as such.In truth, I am uncertain if it's describable in that way at all.

My eyes scans the contents of the backpack.

Pulling out a dress, my gaze sweeps over it. I am familiar with this one.

It is the very one she wore to the ball.

There is a soft lingering scent attached to it. Though faint compared to the ball, it draws me in slightly, and I am almost tempted to take a whiff.

It is a relapse corrected before it even begins.

Setting it aside, I delve deeper into the bag. A few clothes, undergarments, and finally, the case.

Pulling it out, I settle on a stool, spreading it open. My gaze studies each vial. Some are missing, others present.

Divided into sections: Foggers, Numbing gas, hysteria, doublers, and more. An empty spot where the scents had been. She must have disposed of them.

At the bottom, vials marked H.E. I select one, raising it to eye level, studying its contents.

The ingredients are peculiar. Beyond the grasp of a mere human. Who Silver's father might be is a wonder. A scientist no doubt, but no ordinary man can create these formulas. He is one of vast experience, well-versed in realms far beyond science.

Observing some of these vials, I noticed they were cable of affecting even Arcs and oldbloods, suggesting they're crafted with unnatural elements.

Understanding these components enough to craft weapons from them is a rare knowledge in itself.

The human appears far more dangerous than her appearance suggests. Just as I suspected.

Yes, she's quite intriguing.

"A clever one, isn't she?" a voice cackles.

My gaze shifts upward to the dark, hooded figure standing just a few feet away.

I offer no response.

If my sister is present, then my initial assessment was accurate.

She knows.

Lorana lowers her hood, revealing her dark hair cascading like tamed weeds to her shoulders, her emerald eyes starkly contrasting with mine. Deep green forests, brimming with envy, spite, and a myriad of emotions. Her lips are painted red, dressed in her signature black attire with red underlinings.

They slide upwards in a sly grin.  "Oh, how I've missed you, brother."


No, I'm not going to leave you guys hanging. This chapter will continue in a few hours. I just needed to post it today for the program. Don't worry, more is coming.


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