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"Lord Bane." Lord Graydon gritted out, a tight click in his jaw.

His posture was as impeccable as always, looking the bald Lord directly in the eye.

"Lord Graydon! As punctual as ever," Lord Bane ushered, fostering a cheeky smile, "you know you don't actually get any brownie points for being first to arrive-" he smirked.

Lord Graydon glanced at me for a moment and I returned my own personal 'just let the fool speak,' calming stare right back at him.

He hummed at this, gaze drawing back to the Lord Select, with a soft sigh,

"If you truly believed that, Lord Bane, you would have arrived after the Tribe."

Lord Bane paused for a moment, before chuckling.

"The early bird is known to get the worm," he shrugged, before returning slightly, "And where is the large one? The wolf? Has he not yet arrived?"

I figured no one was meant to answer that question because Lord Bane was quick to continue-

"What a wonderful opponent he is! Giving us a run for our money, I can barely keep up," he mocked.

I was convinced the posh accents that the High Lords used were just so they could make shifty comments like this sound luxurious.

My gaze drifted to my High Lord whose formerly pleasant mood had quite literally shifted, his gaze darker, jaw tight.

"Lord Heil will soon be with us," was all he replied, tone firm.

Lord Bane raised an eyebrow at this, just as the doors opened again, and in walked-

The Tribe.

My gaze shifted to the figures as they moved flawlessly, dressed in long dark cloaks, hoods drawn up, though the array of piercing shades of their eyes could be seen as they walked forward, and toward the black door.

My breath was humid against my lips as I counted the figures, around 13 members.

All Fang, all could kill faster than I could tell.

For they were the Royal Court. The people who made decisions for the whole Kingdom under the reign of the Veridians.

Lord Bane had somehow moved to stand just slightly beside Lord Graydon and they both nodded firmly as each member of the Tribe passed by.

I followed suit with the red guards that had followed Lord Bane, keeping my head bowed so all I could see were feet skimming by me as they moved in fruition towards the black doors.

When the sound of footsteps stopped, I was breathless and unsure if it was okay for me to look until Lord Bane spoke.

"Looks like Lord Heil won't be getting any brownie points," he gleamed, glancing at Lord Graydon before he too left for the black door, his red guards following after him.

I watched as he disappeared through the doors, the Red guards pausing right outside the now shut doors, forming uniformed stances and facing forwards.

I would never understand how guards and soldiers were able to accomplish standing like that for hours on end, every day. The look of their postures alone made my spine want to hunch for eternity.

Lord Graydon let out a loose breath, and I could tell Lord Bane was someone he certainly did not get along with.

He had to take a moment to breathe, eyes rolling toward the main doors for a moment before glancing down at me.

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