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The Royal Palace.
Home of the Royal Fanged, of the House of Veridian.

Archives of History.



I ZIPPED up the small bag mom had brought for us this morning, watching as she chatted with Vella softly. She. Smiled down at the girl who was finally laughing since last night's ordeal.

Feeling a certain warmth at this, I watched them for a moment longer. Mom was already fully dressed and ready to go but had come by to make sure we were ready for the trip.

"I think that's it," I announced, lifting the small bag.

All I had in here was the dresses mom gave us, a few girly things, and of course, Dad's kit, which I carefully packed, hiding it safely between the fabric.

Mom looked up at me, standing up to her full height, a smile on her face.

"I still can't believe you're here," she paused shaking her head for a moment as if trying to piece it together.

I nodded releasing a breath.

"I wish it was under better circumstances but I guess I'll take what I can get I huffed," I huffed.

Her smile faltered for a bit, acknowledging the situation we were in.

"As do I," she replied softly. I let out a breath my eyes shifting away from her sad gaze to Vella.

"It's time to go, Vella," I called, watching her get out of bed, and walked to my side.

A knock came at the door and I paused, staring at the half-opened door to the shadow of the boy standing in the hallway.


"F-Forgive me. I hope I'm not intruding," he stated pausing in the doorway.

I pursed my lips gritting my teeth.

He couldn't give her one lousy day to re-group, could he? He just couldn't stay away.

See what I meant by a curse? He would suffocate her to death.

Mom glanced back at me uncomfortably, before walking to Hunter, "of course not honey, we were actually coming down," she stated throwing her arm around him, and rubbing his arm, "Silver was just done packing, right cupcake?"

I lifted the bag, "yeah, all ready to go."

His eyes met mine, nodding- offering me a small smile.

I couldn't be so kind as to return it, unfortunately.

His eyes dimmed, drifting to Vella, therefore brightening a bit, "hi," he breathed out, waving a bit, rather nervously.

Vella nodded, her gaze immediately dropping from him as she looked at me, her fingers twining in my mine.

He seemed disappointed at this action, pursing his lips.

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