[25.1] THE LORD SELECTS (part-one)

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A gift given by only direct members of the ruling Royalty. A pardon from any crime exonerates even a sentence of death. Sealed only with the blood of the ruling King for justification and as a symbol of rebirth.

Archives of History


[Graydon Collins]

The human had certainly crossed the line. I was fuming at the mere audacity she had displayed. Going against my direct orders!

Her behavior would be weaned if needed. That I would certainly make sure of.

Cut off from the roots.

Perhaps I had given her too much freedom. Perhaps I had made the mistake of befriending her if I could call it that. I had been too soft that she saw me as less of what I truly was.

Her regional Lord and a Lord Select.

My jaw tightened, as I paced the room angrily.

Yes, I had given her too much freedom! Allowed her to believe she could simply get away with going against my direct orders. My superiority had never been put into question, not as captain of my troop in the lost world, not home on the lands of my father, not even in Fang Court.

The Collins name drew attention in every state it was uttered and yet she, a human from the farthest corners of my region dared to go against me.

She risked so many things by attending the ball.

I was quite baffled that she was still breathing.

I scoffed at this thought. My fists tightened in their hold behind my back.

Had anyone spotted her— I couldn't even mirror the consequences.

She could have been killed or things much worse and what would that have echoed upon my legacy?

That I couldn't protect and control one little human girl from my region.

Years and years of building a reputation for centuries in lifetimes that spanned way beyond mine would have been destroyed and my chances of being the King's Hand would have been disgruntled.

Perhaps her death would have done me a favor. Rid me of this fascination that I have grown with her.

I had been too easy on her, simply because she was the sister of the young Lord and Duke, and her mother was the High Lady to the King's Hand.

This status, however, as she was a human held no significance whatsoever in Fang society.

It did more harm than good to be quaint. She was seen as an abomination to the name of the House of Veridian as the daughter of a High Lady outside the mate bond selected by the gods.

Having even less significance as the human sister of an unmated sworn.

And yet with all this in mind, perhaps the biggest irritation of all was her lack of respect.

First, she calls me a monster to my face, and then she outright disobeys me.

I had never seen a human with so much stupidity I found it infuriating and frustrating, to say the least. How could prey be so careless?

I could feel my hold on her slipping, it was hard to control the young female and I didn't know what irritated me most. How could I control legions of men beneath me but not one simple human female?

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