[40.1] THE PLAN

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I'm going home?

I stared at him, unable to wrap my head around what he had just said.

"Home?" I echoed, my grin faltering, "I-Is this some kind of joke?"

My eyebrows drew together searching his eyes for some kind of resemblance of humor. Because this was absurd.

This... Everything he had just said had to be some kind of twisted sense of humor that these Vampires had.

Lord Graydon's jaw ticked, letting out a breath, gaze low and jaw rigid.

My grin faltered.

"I-It—is a joke..." I prodded, eyes searching his.

His gaze wandered for a moment, a ragged breath.

"Silver, I cannot protect—" he cut himself off, his tone soft, before clenching his jaw shut.

A soft tick as he runs his hands through his locks. His eyes snapped back to me suddenly hardening— voice a breathless command.

"Everything Silver. Pack everything."

No emotion in his eyes. No further words to ease me. Nothing to explain why I was being kicked out.

I stared at him dumbfounded.

His gaze swept away, back straightening, adopting that famous rigid Vampire stature. One that mirrored no human emotion. Only logic, only stupid logic.

He said nothing more before turning away toward the large door.

I stood there staring at his retreating frame in disbelief.

Standing here like a damn idiot.

Moments ago I was this close to giving him a chance...to actually trust—I cannot believe how stupid I was.

That I had even graced the idea.

That maybe I had been wrong about the Fang.

And perhaps in some twisted way I thought he and I may even be some type of friends...or friendly—to say better.

Against all common sense, against personal judgment, I was going to trust...

I was about to trus-

But I was just a stupid girl thinking he would be of any help.

My throat ran dry as I helplessly watched Lord Graydon walk off.

Once again. I'm the fool. I, the human drenched in these feelings, feelings of absolute hopelessness, helplessness, and betrayal, and he, the High Lord, untouchable Fang remained unhurt, uninjured, and unbroken.

My fists clenched. Anger echoed in each curled finger.

"You're just walking away?!" I yelled after him. The sound quadrupled around the whispering hall.

His footsteps echoed with them, steady and unaffected, with not so much as a turn of the head to address my outburst.

This only made me more furious. More helpless. More angry.

"You promised!"

He froze at this, a statue in his footsteps.

"You promised." I gritted.

I could hear our breaths, my breath. Loud and desperate.

His shoulders fell, but remained unturned, keeping his gaze on the door.

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