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Leaders of Whole Witch Bloods.

Archives of History



I SUCKED at my cut finger for a bit, cursing under my breath about the sting of it. Sighing, I zipped up the bag filled with the little belongings Vella and I had, moving across the room to where she stood.

Her hands shook whilst her eyes skimmed the span of the room.

"It will be okay, Vella," I reassured, wrapping-an arm around her shoulder, and pulling her closer.

"The room is ready and waiting. Lady Vella will certainly be more than at home." The lady that was sent from West House spoke.

She had short brown hair and stood at an amazing height for a woman. Wearing flat accompanied by a royal-worthy dress. I noticed all women of influence and status wore dresses like these.

"Thank you," I replied on her behalf, as I squeezed Vella.

She nodded, glancing between us with a soft smile. "Shall we?"

I nodded in reply.

She proceeded toward the door. We followed behind her just as Eden showed up.

"Lady Eden." the woman curtsied.

Eden nodded, with a smile. "Lady Beatrice."

Her eyes trailed toward us with a faltering smile, "I-I see you're moving."

"Yes." Lady Beatrice replied, turning slightly.

"The young lady's suite is ready. She will be taken to West House with the other Sworn."

"I am sure you'll like it there Vella, there are a few sworn your age. You'll be able to make friends." she gleamed kindly.

Vella glanced up at her and then at me, pursing her lips without saying much.

"She will," I replied instead with a blank look.

Eden's gaze flashed to mine. We stared at each other for a moment.

"Uh- we shall be on our way now My lady." Lady Beatrice continued, glancing between the two of us.

Eden severed our connection at her words, nodding, and stepped aside. I could feel her gaze on me as we passed, finally disappearing when we took a corner.

I let out a small breath I didn't I was holding, glancing at Lady Beatrice as she spoke.

"As Lady Eden said, Lady Vella." she began as we walked. "You will find that West House Fang Court will be the ideal home for you before you reach of age. Three other Sworn of your age were brought in from various parts of the New World. I am very sure you'll make great friends."

Vella hummed at this seemingly excited and I offered her a reassuring smile.

"I am sure she will very much enjoy it there. The palace is beautiful but it's very formal. Being around kids her age will make a difference, right Vella?"

She nodded at this and Lady Beatrice approved with a chuckle.


We walked down the stairs crossing the hallway lined with portraits of the royal family. Moving down the grand stairs, we spotted Hunter and Lord Graydon.

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