[26.1] LORD SELECTS (part-two)

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Nomad Fang who travel freely from the free states to the Kingdom of Veridian. These hold no loyalty to each side. They are sometimes known as Nomads, or Freemen.

Archives of History.



This was ridiculous!

How was a girl supposed to live like this? Needless to say, I was expected to work!

I frowned at my reflection in the mirror, pushing my glasses back up my nose.

The guards' uniform seemed to swallow me whole. Like the overalls Lord Graydon had so generously given, these were at least twice my size.

I patted down the wrinkles that lined that oversized jacket, but that didn't do a sliver of any good. I frowned as the feather that jutted out from the helmet that matched the uniform fell in front of my face.

I blew it off, giving me a full view of my appearance once again.

The more I stared at my reflection, the more I hated it.

I turned slightly to the left, almost crying when I realized these trousers did not compliment my ass! Damn it, I looked like a runt in this thing.

I fussed around the changing room in frustration, screaming inaudibly at my reflection before shutting my eyes, and taking out a deep breath.

I got this. I GOT THIS.

It was only two weeks. God, it was two whole weeks!

I hoped he didn't plan another horse wash in these God-forsaken two weeks or I was going to throw myself out the highest window.

Ew, my hands still smelled like a horse.

My face formed a disgusted look, lowered my hands from my nose and wiped them at the back of the pants.

Giving myself one last pep talk, I finally walked out of the stalls.

Walking further out, I moved through the door and to the outside where the sun was shining and a horse neighed.

I stared at the figure of Lord Graydon a few feet away, calming the horse, turning around as he straightened the saddle.

My eyebrows arched at this movement

Was he going somewhere then?

Shoot, were we going somewhere?

We, because my punishment included being at his, as I quote "beck and call," for two whole frickin weeks.

His gaze suddenly snapped my way and I pretended I hadn't paused, gingerly walking toward him.

Amusement was quite evident in his eyes as he watched me The friction of these large pants as I walked was alarmingly loud.

I blew the feather away from my face, standing before him like a large penguin.

He folded his arms, eyes narrowing down on me.

"Yes," He nodded looking me over, "As I imagined. It quite suits you." he grinned.

"Ha, real funny," I grunted back, as he chuckled, moving closer toward me.

I froze when I felt his cold fingers beneath my chin, tightening the straps of my helmet.

"There. Now that head of yours is safe," he gleamed, knocking on the metal with a wide grin.

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