[44.1] LORANA (part-2)

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A Hybrid. Another Royal.


I registered these things, trying to wrap my head around it all. Father was telling me these things because I was going to take on new responsibilities sooner or later when I became the King's Hand and or succeeded him as Lord over the Region of Colins.

This was the next step.

What being in the top circle was really about. Learning secrets I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams.

I watched my father, though he paid more attention to the view before us, his tone quieter.

"She was born a Hybrid, but dark magic clung to her like a cloak. Even as an infant, she was formidable. Her vampire and Werewolf sides were in constant chaos. She was a girl of heart and stone, she was hot and cold, an angel with a yearning for blood at the tip of her tongue. As she grew, it was discovered she could also wield magic. Not as if she was born of it, no.." he trailed off staring into the greying skies.

"She was most unnatural. It was as if the strands of magic that kept her between species in her mother's womb remained encapsulated around her."

His gaze shifted to mine.

"She once described it to me...the magic." He explained, "When she was but a child. She said it was like a rope wrapped like a cacoon around its bearer. All she had to do was find its end. Pull, and it would be hers."

I froze at this, shaking my head as if that would make me hear better, "she could—steal magic?"

Father shook his head, "It wasn't magic, it was raw energy. It was like she could pluck magic from its very source, and she could sense it from miles away, invisible streams reaching for her. Call it what you will, Magic, Aura, energy, anything...she could twist."

I thought this through, and still, I could not understand.

"Was she a witch?" I asked feeling slightly anxious, "Did the spell that kept her at the bridge of two species seep into her blood? Did magic claim her? Turn her into a tribrid?"

"No. Then, perhaps we believed so. But we have a tribrid now. I can confirm that She was of no such nature. Her bloodlines are only two. But it was as if, the magic that kept her in the inbetween stayed there forever. And she could take it when she pleased. She could be the sunniest child on earth and other times she had no empathy, no remorse. It was as if, that was the price for keeping her unnaturally on the edge of two separate beings. It was chaos. Something she could not control. The beings inside her thrived. They were loud and hungry.." he trailed off, his eyebrows drawn together.

"We cursed her the moment we decided we needed a hybrid in this war. There is a reason why such a history was erased. To never be repeated. Perhaps that in itself was a mistake. If we truly had known the gravity of what we were creating, perhaps we would have been wiser."

I listened carefully, "What was it that was wrong with her?"

Father sighed, folding his arms as he stared off into the vastness of the ocean before us.

"She could feel.. everything. Sense everything."

My eyebrows drew together, farther from an understanding as ever before, "Feel?"

"There was chaos in her mind. She was like a conductor of all sorts of energy. She could feel every emotion in her vicinity. It was like her senses were overloaded," he seemed to pause, lost in his thoughts.

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