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Also known as the Dark Fanged.
A mysterious race of shadow creatures that appeared right after the Fang war. They feed on magical energy and hunt Sworn. They are incredibly strong with unmatched abilities. They roam the abandoned cities and dark areas of the lost world. They come in 4 forms:
Burners, smokers, decayers, and the most dangerous... Flayers.

Archives of History



I STARED wide-eyed at the Dark Fanged, a monster of a man, with red skin, sharp fangs, volcanic eyes, and a dark shadowy presence around him like some sort of dark smoky cloud.

If anything, he looked like he had been burnt alive and reincarnated as a demon.

His left hand seemed to have been stuck in a larva pool glowing a bright red, cracks running deep like an erupting volcano forming around it.

His hair took the form of a raging wildfire, with a deep set of piercing forest green eyes, that was way too green to be considered normal. Parts of his skin were missing from his face as if it had already begun decaying.

Pushing Vella behind me protectively, we kept moving backward, my eyes stuck on the shadow-like being, unable to blink or breathe too loud.

I had studied about Damned all my life but seeing one in real life, in the middle of the school hallway, made every bit of knowledge evaporate into thin air.

This was not a theory anymore.

These things were scarier than Dad ever explained. From its select features, I knew exactly what kind of Damned it was.

A Burner.

"Vella-" I dragged slowly, keeping her behind me, my voice low and breathy, eyes still stuck on the damned-

"When I say Run...run."

"S-S-S-Sworn!" it hissed louder this time its jagged teeth warning me of my incoming doom, twisting its head to the side in uneven ticks.

My hands were shaking but I knew this was not the time to freeze and do nothing.

I had never seen a Damned physically before but my dad sure had got his description of them down to a tee minus the fact that they were horrifying to look at.

A burner was one of the most dangerous kinds of Damned, and for one to appear in the middle of the school hallway... I didn't even want to think of a reason why.

I was not going to lose my sister to anything, no matter what the hell it was.

"You. can't. have. her," I gritted back, clenching my jaw.

Its head tilted to me, and an ugly smirk rounded on its bony face.

I had seen enough old movies on the broken-down TV set Dad had brought home last month to know it was about to strike any moment, and I was not the type to take chances.

I couldn't afford to take chances.

This was a bloody Burner. It could kill a High Fang and it could certainly kill me.

My hand reached for the test tube cylinders that lined my jacket pocket taking them out. My fists clenched around them and I could feel the shake in them.

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