[15. 1] SCENTS

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Regions of the New World Independent from the Rule of the House of Veridian. Ruled by Independent houses of True Born, Rogue High Borns, or Whole-blood Wizin.

Archives of History



FRUSTRATION COURSED through my veins as I whipped around the corridor per Lord Graydon's instructions- excuse me, his orders.

As my future High Lord and as a citizen in his region it was treason to go against a direct order- then tell me, why was I so eager to go against it?

I rolled my eyes at this, then paused in the middle of the hallway when it clicked that I must have truly lost my mind.

To speak to a high lord in the manner I had been showcasing so boldly this evening. To outrightly express my distaste for his race and call him a monster for Pete's sake! TO his face!

I simply couldn't hold it in, in my defense. My anger could be described as a waterfall, it just keeps pouring out with absolutely no way to suck it back in.

It was just so frustrating to think he would even compare his race to ours, that he would think that we were the reason for the Fang war. What did he not get? How could humans not fear the monsters that hunt us?

And yet, despite being fearful of his power, of what he was to me, I was going to go as far as disobeying a direct order- because yeah,—

I was going to disobey a direct order.

There was no way I was letting Vella into a whole Grand Ball filled with dangerous Fang on her own. I loved my mother truly, but there was no one I trusted with Vella's safety but my very self and my father.

I didn't know where her loyalties lay, what could have happened to her the last decade she spent in the arms of the Arc Wolf.

She certainly seemed very much eager to get Hunter and Vella together. I sympathized with what she had to go through when she was taken from us, but as much as it pained me to think about it, perhaps she cared for Hunter more than she cared for me.

Regardless of who she cared for most between the two of us, either way, she had no loyalties to Vella, or reason to be on her side.

I couldn't simply trust her so blindly even as my mother. That thought seemed to be consistent in my mind; she could be brainwashed for all I know.

There was no way she had lived among the fang and still was the mother I remembered, no matter how much it seemed that way, or how much I wanted it to be that way.

She certainly seemed comfortable in the palace now.

Anyway, this wasn't about me. This was for Vella.

Taking out a short breath, I finally stood in front of the room door, throwing a practiced smile on before opening it and walking in.

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