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He hadn't even looked my way at all. It had all been in my head. Not at all. Not even for that sliver of a moment. My mind was playing tricks on me, I reassured myself.

The prince had been clear. I was insignificant and he did not care for anything of me which is why he acted as such. I did not wish him to care either.

Insignificant was good. Insignificant could move undetected and could watch the quarreling of the rich, unbothered.

Although the Prince had not looked my way, as it had been at breakfast, the mere fact that I was in his presence made my heart beat harshly within me as the Prince and his Sworn took a seat at the head of the table.

All the Lords had gotten up, bowing lowly, as did I and the rest of the guards. Two royal guards perched behind the royal couple, tshiny, and secure as compared to our rather dull uniforms.

Standing amid all this security I did look ridiculous. I didn't need anyone to tell me that. I was the shortest, my clothes were oversize and my large helmet kept slipping.

To make matters worse, my neck was cramping from tilting upward and I just wanted to take a seat.

My gaze moved to the Prince who was only a few feet away, Lord Graydon to his left, His sworn to his right.

He seemed, well, dull. He was like his pictures, lifeless if he didn't blink from time to time, though I knew he didn't have to blink to survive.

It was weird because even with all his awkward mannerisms, the flatness in his expression, lips in a thin line, and his gaze a mimic of a still ocean at midnight, there was something beautiful about him.

Something that held your attention when he spoke. Something that refused to let you stop looking. He had such dull features but most elegantly and beautifully done. It was another kind of mesmerizing.

Every Fang had that quality, to hypnotize and sustain. Perhaps it was because he was Tribrid, a three in one, it was much stronger than the rest.

My gaze managed to break the spell, falling from his face, finding themselves on his Sworn. 

A woman I was yet to study, especially this close, and my heart rammed within me when I realized she was looking at me too.

Quite suspiciously or curiously,  I couldn't decide.

I swallowed, my eyes quickly moving away from her, stuck on the table.

Reason told me, I'm sure she was curious that a human was here.

I mean it wasn't so hard to tell I was human. No Fang wore glasses. I pushed them back up my nose at this, licking my lips as I risked a glance back at her.

Her gaze was now on her mate, and I watched her curiously. Her hair was luscious and full, a pretty brunette. Her eyes were green, and she was certainly very easy on the eyes.

She looked prettier than the photocopy in the magazine and despite being human, she didn't seem too uncomfortable in the presence of the Lords that I noticed.

I guess she had nothing to fear-

Unlike me, she was soon to be Queen. The most powerful woman on the planet. And beside her as a loyal mate- gag- was the deadliest being on the planet.

I mean add a whole world of military power and how safer could you get?

I, on the other hand, would remain shaking in my boots, and for good reason.

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