something isn't right

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Wilson was looking out his window, seeing Minjun walk over with a cigarette between his lips. Minjun put the cigarette out before knocking on the door since it was lunch (well now dinner time). He looked okay, he didn't have any bruises or injuries either.

Shiber went easy on both of them.

Wilson was at the door in a blink of an eye, beating Shiber to the door. "To think he's that excited to see me too," Hynyee said, tsking. She hated not being first. Shiber and Han-gyeol shared a look, letting Wilson get the door. "Minjun," Wilson said, Minjun looking up at him trying to hide his frown. His eyes didn't say anything, Wilson stepping aside to let him in.

"I saw you this morning, you act like it's new to you" Minjun said with a weak smile wondering why Wilson looked surprised to see him. Then again he could have been dead. "Just in time for dinner~" Han-gyeol sang, inviting the two of them to sit down. Shiber was setting up the table, Wilson having been in his room the whole time. "Sorry I didn't help," Wilson said, Minjun walking away to help Hyunyee with the dessert. He held the cake while Hyunyee got the plate for it.

"It's okay. Did you get rest for your hangover?" Han-gyeol asked, Wilson laughing. "Rest? My hangover will probably last a week at least," Wilson said, smiling. Shiber seemed relaxed for now so he would take what he could get.

"Then why did you drink that much in the first place?" Shiber asked, Minjun pulling out a seat for him and Hyunyee. "Poor insight," Wilson lied, sitting down. "I was worried sick about Minjun," Wilson thought, not caring if Minjun could read his mind. Minjun looked at Wilson, dropping his eyes after a second. He had never known Wilson to drink and he had no idea he got bad hangovers. And now he knew he was the reason Wilson drank.

Wilson walked over to him, thanking Minjun who for some reason sat across from him. They usually sat together. Wilson didn't comment on it, looking at dinner that would undoubtedly help his hangover. "Thank you Han-gyeol, thank you hyung," Wilson said, thanking the two for the meal. "I just stayed in my room all evening," Hyunyee mumbled, using her powers to get her food, while Wilson took everyone's plate to severe them.

"Thank you Hyunyee," Wilson laughed, handing Minjun his plate. Minjun took it with a small thank you, not saying anything else, Han-gyeol sitting next to him. Everyone shared a comfortable silence, Minjun looking up at Wilson who spoke. "Who brought the flowers?" Wilson asked, Hyunyee looking over at them with a smile. "My brother," Hyunyee said, smiling.

"You don't have a brother," Wilson said, Hyunyee kicking him underneath the table. Wilson bit his lip, scooting away from Hyunyee since it actually hurt. "She counts as her brother and a good friend of mine," Han-gyeol said, not being able to hide her smile. Shiber huffed, taking a bite of the salad.

"Some friend," Shiber mumbled, Han-gyeol frowning while Hyunyee looked at Wilson. Minjun heard fragments of everyone's thoughts, looking at the flowers. San and him got flowers, Hyunyee and Han-gyeol got flowers too. Was there a connection? Minjun took a breath, playing with his food, while silence fell between them once again. It was a long stretch, Shiber asking for water once and Hyunyee for the salt.

"I think we're going about this the wrong way," Minjun finally shared, everyone looking up at him as he stabbed his chicken salad which was actually pretty good for his brother's cooking. After being tied up to a tree, perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut.

"It's your plan," Shiber said. "C'est juste une excuse, we've never actually done anything to hurt anyone according to my plan we could have already caused serious damage to Wooyoung, Yunho, Yeosang pretty much all the humans surrounding San without him even knowing," Minjun said, Wilson nodding wondering why he never had that suspicion. Of course he made the plan before he grew to like the same humans.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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