Minjun's Idea

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Minjun sat on Mingi's couch, setting the pastries out for them to enjoy, Mingi being the only one to make him feel a little welcome.

That would probably change if he knew what he was here for though.

Yunho pulled Mingi aside, leaving San and Minjun alone as Minjun took one of the pastries and held it out for San to take with a smile.

"It's not poisoned and made with the freshest milk and eggs in all of France." Minjun said. "Try some."

"He's French?" Mingi asked, looking at Yunho who looked worried.

"I have no idea but he knows someone that isn't exactly the best person." Yunho said, looking at Mingi who nodded.

"Horrible by association gotchu." Mingi said, walking over to the living room before walking back.

"Wait, doesn't he know San? San isn't bad." Mingi said, thinking about how he spent the whole day helping him while being sad after Wooyoung dropped him off.

"Just be careful." Yunho said, walking with him to the living room.

"You aren't going to congratulate me on my jailbreak?" Minjun asked, leaning back in his seat as he threw one leg over the other enjoying the pastries he brought.

"I was going to send you right back." San said, Minjun letting out a small huff.

"You can't do that, your highness." Minjun said. "I came here the same you did and I can only leave the same way you do."

"Dying, not going back at all, or have someone who can take you." Minjun said, with a smirk.

"You were gifted to a human?" San asked, Minjun nodding.

"Who I killed shortly after arriving." Minjun said, with a smile. "I am of Royal blood too you know so it can happen."

Mingi and Yunho looked at San and Minjun, both of them growing surprised.

San was a royal?

Minjun was a murderer and a demon and a royal too. 

"Look at me blabbering. What I'm here for-" Minjun said, looking at Yunho with a smile.

"Han-gyeol is going to use a Yunho look a like to get closer to Wooyoung and Hongjoong to kill them." Minjun said, looking at San who didn't react.

He was wicked good at not reacting.

"I'm sure you've seen her before." Minjun said, getting himself a cup of tea out of nowhere. "At a club right?"

"How much do you really know?" San asked, Minjun smiling at him as he leaned in.

"That's not important." Minjun said. "I want to make a deal with you."

San quirked a brow, wearing the same face that Minjun always hated.

He looked at him like he was a little child and couldn't do anything right. 

"I bring her to you or Hongjoong in exchange for my freedom." Minjun said, showing him the tattoo on his arm that branded him a traitor and fallen angel.

"Bring me your brother and I might think about it." San said, Minjun holding back since San was still a King and that would make his list of offenses even longer.

"You think I'd betray my brother?" Minjun asked, knowing that San couldn't do anything to Shiber without putting the ones he cared about in danger.

San stayed quiet, not responding to give Minjun time to think.

"Seeing as how Yunho and Mingi are both freaking out, I think it's time to wrap this conversation up." Minjun said, finishing his tea as he got up to leave.

"I'm sorry for intruding." Minjun said, with a small bow looking at Mingi and Yunho. "Hope to see you all at San's funeral."

San let out a sigh once Minjun left missing Wooyoung as he looked over at Yunho who looked concerned and confused.

"San, summarize what happened please." Mingi said, sitting down next to San as he held Yunho's hand making him sit down with him.

"I'm the King of Hell and that was Minjun who is Shiber's brother who is leading a revolution to make Earth into another Hell." San said, adding a little hehe to lighten the mood. 

Mingi and Yunho both looking at him like bro what the sheep? 

~•~•~•~ Meanwhile ~•~•~•~

Yeosang was careful not to touch Seonghwa's wing as he sat on the ground playing with Snowball who looked up at him with sad eyes not wanting him to be in pain.

Hongjoong sat next to him, handing Yeosang the things he needed to stitch up the stab wound.

"Is that better hyung?" Yeosang asked, ducking so he didn't get smacked by Seonghwa's wing.

"Much better but it still stings." Seonghwa said, biting his lip since he was still nervous. As soon as anyone found out that he was an angel they would either want to kill him or rip out his wings.

Yeosang didn't want to do either of them.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Yeosang said, Seonghwa's wings disappearing as though he didn't have any.

"It's not that. I'm not used to anyone caring for me after knowing what I am." Seonghwa said, Hongjoong looking down at the ground.

"What you are? You say that as if being an angel is a bad thing." Yeosang said, scooting in to wrap the area up.

"In a world full of demons it kinda is." Seonghwa said, Yeosang nodding.

"You're always welcome with me if that helps." Yeosang said, Hongjoong feeling left out as he joined in on the conversation.

"Same here." Hongjoong said, throwing his hand over Yeosang's shoulder.

Seonghwa and Yeosang both looked at him, Hongjoong pulling his hand away as he just sat there.

Why did he feel like he was getting bullied?

"Does that Minjun guy know?" Yeosang asked, out of curiosity, Seonghwa nodding.

"His brother wants to rip them off, put them on a mantel and celebrate killing me for centuries to come." Seonghwa said, Yeosang giving him a hug.

"I'll never let that happen to you hyung." Yeosang said, bringing Hongjoong into the hug whose breath hitched, falling onto Seonghwa's lap. 

"Bodyguard Kim won't let it happen either." Yeosang said, Hongjoong nodding as he got up from the hug.

He already didn't let it happen once.

He could definitely do it again.

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