Jongho's Twin

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San was lying down on Yunho's roof, having experienced what could have been considered the best and strangest night of his life on Earth.

Jung Wooyoung, his human, his one and only crush, kissed him in the dressing room after he made it clear that he did not want to be kissed.

Then he told him that he couldn't smile again if he left him.

San let out a small sigh, looking up at the dark rainy sky, as he brought his fingers to his lips thinking back to the feeling of Wooyoung's lips on his.

He kissed him for much longer than usual and it felt different.

Wooyoung stopped when he didn't want to, keeping their lips as close to each other as possible, for as long as possible before he lost a fight with himself and pulled away all together.

His human was pushing him away, and even when he pulled away, Wooyoung would pull him back in, trying to make him drown in a pool of his own feelings.

It felt like they were together, but they weren't at the same time.

Yunho and Mingi did the same things as they did, minus the kissing, and they were practically boyfriends without the label.

Is that what they were?

Boyfriends without a label?

Every single thing Wooyoung did made him think that he liked him back, but Wooyoung was normally an affectionate person so it could have been that.

Then again he didn't kiss Yeosang in a dressing room. 

There was no way Wooyoung didn't like him back.

"San, are you coming down for dinner?" Yunho asked, walking onto the roof, finding his majesty laying down.

"Wooyoung cooked us something absolutely delicious." Yunho said, sitting down next to San, as he looked at the other. 

It had been a long week for all of them and after the shopping spree they had decided to have some dinner and celebrate the end of rush week. (Rush hour rush hour).

Everything would be a bit more calm and steady now hopefully.

San got up, looking at Yunho with a pout, Yunho making him sit back down since he knew that face.

"What did Wooyoung do?" Yunho asked, San looking up at him a little surprised.

"He's your crush right?" Yunho asked, finding out when he saw them holding hands under the table since San had never said that it was Wooyoung directly.

San nodded, taking in a breath of the cold air, as he bit his lip.

"He kissed me in the dressing room." San said, Yunho's eyes going wide as he wanted to go downstairs and pin Wooyoung to the wall and tell not to mess with San's feelings like that.

But then again Wooyoung didn't mess with anyone else's feelings except his own.

"What did he do afterwards?" Yunho asked, San's pout turning into frown. He was really happy that San was comfortable enough with him to share his feelings with him.

"He kissed my cheek." San said, leaving out the teasing part since that was just for him and Wooyoung to know. "It probably didn't mean anything."

Yunho shook his head no, wondering how San ruled hell if he couldn't see what was right in front of him.

"Trust me he probably thought about it the whole time we were there and the whole time we were coming back and I bet he's thinking about it now too." Yunho said, smiling at San.

"Wooyoung isn't the kind of person to say his feelings first." Yunho said, knowing that he was more of an actions over words person.

"The idiot thinks that it was something he did that Changbin left him. He doesn't want the same thing with you." Yunho said, knowing that Wooyoung was supposed to be the one to tell San these things but he never would since they were a part of his feelings that he considered irrelevant.

"He's afraid to be himself?" San said, Yunho nodding with a frown.

"Not around you though, he's the closest thing to Wooyoung I've ever seen in a long while. Chill, relaxed, workaholic, and you're taking such good care of him." Yunho said, thinking about all the lunch breaks San dropped by to get them food and force Wooyoung to sit down to take a break.

"Something that Changbin never did for him." Yunho said, San sending another wave of pigeons to follow his every move. 

"I'M EATING YOUR SHARES!" Yeosang shouted from downstairs, Yunho shouting back that they were having a small talk and that if he touched his food he would return the giant teddy bear they got him to cheer him up.

"DON'T TOUCH MY TWIN!" Jongho shouted, Mingi's laugh echoing throughout the house.

"Don't back down and go get your man." Yunho said, smiling at San who laughed.

"He did say he was mine." San said quietly to himself. 

"Give it a tiny bit more time." Yunho said, getting up and taking San's hand to help him up. 

"He's already fallen for you by the looks of it." Yunho said, walking them downstairs and into the living room as he looked at Wooyoung who was already looking at San.

"How does it feel to finally end rush week Yunho-shi?" Mingi asked, bringing an imaginary microphone in front of him, as he stepped into the living room. 

"It feels like I have wings." Yunho said, Seonghwa growing tense, as he looked at Yunho.

Hongjoong chuckled, getting slapped with the teddy bear by none other than Yeosang, who smiled holding Seonghwa's hand.

"Hey don't abuse my brother Ohjong." Jongho said, taking the teddy bear back as Yunho grabbed his arm and took him outside to check on the meat.

"So we have a love triangle, a stressed out Yeosang, Wooyoung being too hurt to trust himself not to mess up in a relationship with San since he still thinks it's his fault Changbin left him and one sighting of Snowball since she went missing." Yunho summarized, MIngi flipping the meat to make sure it cooked evenly.

"What do we do?" Mingi said, looking at Yunho to come up with a plan on how to get Wooyoung and San together as soon as possible. 

"Make Yeosang move in with us?" Jongho suggested, Mingi and Yunho looking over at him.

"How does that help?" Mingi asked, Jongho shrugging.

"Thought I'd throw it out there." Jongho said, looking back inside, Wooyoung and San eating as Hongjoong and Seonghwa made sure to sit far away from each other, Yeosang getting lost behind the bear.

How did the five of them manage without them?

"What day is it today?" Yunho asked, Jongho taking out a his phone and pulling up his calendar to show him.

"Shouldn't he be here by now?" Mingi asked, looking at the dim phone screen. 

"As soon as he gets here. We'll all work together and get Wooyoung and San together before this series becomes four books and not three." Jongho said, breaking the fourth wall, as he walked back inside, to eat. 

They were going to enjoy dinner and the rest of the week was going to be a nice one. 


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