45 Minutes

105 11 15

Yeosang lost count of how many cars they passed by, San trying to figure out if they were going to the beach or going back to town, also wondering how the car ride was so smooth when Yeosang was going at least 200 mph.

"Yeosang, why are we going back to town?" Wooyoung asked, growing worried as he looked at his best friend in the rear-view mirror. Yeosang looked up at him, his lips pressed into a firm line.

"It's a trap and San's safety comes first." Yeosang said, turning the wheel as he made a u-turn without turning, drifting into oncoming traffic without so much as getting close to the other cars that were honking at him.

"What are you talking about?" Wooyoung asked, seeing Yeosang shift gears again as he started to back up stepping on the gas lightly, San still trying to leave.

"They used Hongjoong to get to Seonghwa and are going to use them both to get to San." Yeosang said, turning around as he smirked, stepping on the gas as ran over another demon.

"It's full proof." Yeosang said, thinking back to what Minjun had told him about history repeating itself, stepping on the gas as they went forward.

"So as long as San doesn't show up." Yeosang said, sending Wooyoung flying into San as he drifted again creating black marks on the concrete as he drew a circle with his tires. San caught Wooyoung gently, holding onto his hands , as he helped him sit back up.

"Everyone is going to be fine." Yeosang said, hoping that it was true as he saw the city lights a few miles away, taking another sharp turn. He smiled happy that he knew this shortcut to town as he turned on his high beams.

"Stop the car." San said, not letting go of Wooyoung's hand this time. What Yeosang said did make sense and if San did anything rash then there was a chance that he'd make things worse not better.

Yeosang stopped his car listening to what San asked him to do as he looked at San knowing they weren't as far away from the beach as he would have liked them to be.

"Do you want to go there?" San asked, Yeosang looking at him as he tried to hide his tears. Wooyoung was wondering how Yeosang knew what the trap was, texting him so he could check his phone later.

"After I drop you two off." Yeosang said, trying to step on the gas again as he looked at the location on his screen. San stopped him, not using too much of his powers as he looked at Wooyoung.

"Wooyoung and I can go home." San said, Wooyoung looking at him before Yeosang grabbed San's collar while Wooyoung grabbed his arm as they both made him sit back down. San's expression remained neutral as he looked at Yeosang and Wooyoung.

"You're going to go see the people who are responsible for this." Yeosang said, San looked at him not knowing when he learned so much about him.

"I'll let you go but as long as you go somewhere safe with Wooyoung." Yeosang said, looking at Wooyoung as Wooyoung looked at San who looked away.

"You both sure know how to make someone feel included." Wooyoung said, sounding upset as he looked at Yeosang and San. Yeosang sent him an apologetic smile as he looked at San again whose eyes were on Wooyoung.

"Don't play into their game. I know you want to protect us but you can't put yourself on the line right now." Yeosang said, hoping that San would take his advice. "Not when we don't know what they have planned in full detail." There was a moment of silence, Yeosang thinking that maybe San wasn't going to listen to him as he held onto the steering wheel again. 

"If anything happens, whistle." San said, Yeosang looking at him as Wooyoung smiled seeing the two. They were getting closer and Wooyoung couldn't help but feel as though everything was really going to be okay. 

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